Stretch targets and the hidden dangers - Learning from Wells Fargo
Stretch targets sometimes become strategic imperatives for organizations. But how is the culture of putting pressure on employees justified?
Many organizations are coming out with draconian rules for managing their people. We are all familiar with the violent outburst of the shop-floor employees of the Maruti Udyog in their Manesar plant and the Hero Honda plant in the same neighborhood. Recently, there were reports in the newspapers about how retail employees are treated in Tony textile outlets in Kerala with unrealistic sales pressure. A set of reports also came out on how garment manufacturers were putting their women employees with excessive production targets and not even permitting them to have adequate bathroom breaks.
Such treatment of employees occasionally sees some employees protesting against it. However, this opposition is usually silenced the usual way — threats, dismissals and so on. Many employees do not also have permanent positions in these organizations and a fight back becomes too expensive for them. Since these employees are unable to change the circumstances in which they are working, they prob...