Expert opinion: Alignment is about shared purpose
Without a top team that is aligned, any organizational strategy, however, good it may be, may not see the light of the day
One of the biggest challenges that CEO’s face today is successful execution of strategies. And the reason strategies fail to get executed is because the leadership team is not aligned to the ‘whys’ and ‘ho¬ws’ of the strategy. Also, a lot of senior level leadership teams are not able to gel as a team and get aligned to each other. This becomes a major stumbling block in organizational success. For any strategy to see the light of the day, the teams at the top need to buy-into the strategy, and agree on the first steps in order to execute it. They need to have a shared purpose and each member of the team needs to be aware of their own strengths and areas of developments. Also, appreciation of the strengths of others in the team and respect for each other are critical and these aspects make for the cornerstones for individuals to align as a team. Without a top team that is aligned, any organizational strategy, however, good it may be, may not see the...