Article: Editorial: How companies attract & retain talent

Employer Branding

Editorial: How companies attract & retain talent

Editorial for May 2010 issue

In an environment where India Inc. desperately seeks talent, the concept of an employer brand – one that encapsulates the image of an organization as a great place to work – becomes more and more relevant for companies. The goal of employer branding is to create loyal customers, the customers here being employees.

At the heart of employer branding is the attraction a company has over current (and potential) employees and the biggest factor that creates this attraction is the success of the organization itself - being part of some of the most profitable, successful and powerful corporations is an attraction on its own. Hence, paradoxically, the most successful organizations with the strongest employer brands may hardly need to spend on employer branding and instead continue to just ‘live the brand’.

In our cover story for this issue, we look deeper into the other elements that go into creating an attractive employer proposition – employee empowerment, a culture of grooming, iconic leadership, sense of community and achievement, employer brand positioning consistent with the corporate brand and (of course) attractive compensation. We spoke to CXOs and HR Heads from a variety of companies; recruitment experts, HR and marketing consultants to understand how these factors contribute to an employer’s attractiveness.

This May issue sees the introduction of an ‘Industry Focus’ section where we focus on the strategic and organizational challenges peculiar to that industry and understand the same from the viewpoint of its managers and leaders. In this issue, we focus on the hospitality sector in the backdrop of revived demand, increasing pressures on the talent pool and an industry with unparalleled human touch points that is fighting off attrition in a predominantly young workforce.

This issue also contains interesting viewpoints on virtual organizations, workforce effectiveness and the rise of women as leaders. The special supplement and buyer’s guide on Leadership solution providers and the comparison guide for all-in-one printers are targeted to help in choosing the right vendors for your business needs and logistics.

Happy reading!

Ester Martinez

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