HR tech startups need to showcase scalability
With increased funding and deal activities, the HR tech industry will touch new heights and focused VC funds will be the big game changers

The HR Technology landscape
HR technology has emerged as a strong magnet for investors in recent years. Funding and deal activity has increased by leaps and bounds, with the industry touching new heights in 2015-16. In both the years combined, HR technology startups raised $4.36 billion in funding across 733 deals globally (till 27th October, 2016). In India, there was a funding of $65 million across 47 deals in 2015 and 2016.
The rise of HRtech and HRtech startups is attributed to many things. First of all, it is the overall growth of the Indian startup ecosystem, which has really boosted people with powerful ideas to break the barriers and shed fears to start something new and radical. We generally see Indian market following the US market in many aspects. No doubt it is going to be the same for HR startups as well. There are many examples of flourishing HR startups not only in the US but also globally which are raising funds and generating good returns. We are seeing a rising numb...