Solving particular HR problems? 2017 may be the year
The functionality of integration is one of the reasons behind the rise of niche HR technology startups and the overall investment trends that have followed

More often than not, necessity breeds invention. HR as a function has over the years evolved, and so has its necessities. Josh Bersin call this an evolution “from talent management to people management”, which in simple terms means that a linear ‘pre-hire to retire’ talent management approach is becoming obsolete and is being increasingly replaced by a non-linear ‘network of teams’ organization design.
What has changed?
With the evolution of organization designs and ways of working, HR technology solutions have also evolved. The early and mid-2000s witnessed the consolidation and expansion of integrated talent management systems because organizations approached talent management in a linear manner. Fast forward today, organizations are more networked, and have very specified demands when it comes to solutions for their HR problems. Resultantly, HR technology companies which are entering this ecosystem lately have been very niche solutions sol...