Two major waves of transformation in HR
Today's generation is growing up with technology like no generation has; and HR will need to evolve rather radically for the workforce of tomorrow
The workforce will expect far more work flexibility, use of technological advances & independence in employment (One Many relationship)
Moore’s Law probably is starting to get more attention than ever as we reach that stage of research & technological advances in varied fields like AI, Machine Learning, 3D Printing, robotics etc. that are coming together and are certain to disrupt a lot of what we see today. Also, today’s generation is growing up with technology like no generation has ever. And this is only going to get more and more complex with time.
In my opinion, Human Resource as a function is bound to evolve – rather radically – for this workforce of tomorrow. It is no longer a science fiction movie from the 80s, it will be a reality in 2020 to see robots working alongside humans. Considering what we know today and the expected surge in disruptive innovations of tomorrow, I feel there will be two major waves of transformation in HR:
Changing workforce and the needs of the generation
By one popular estimate, 65% of children entering primary schools today will ultimately end up working in completel...