Article: Discover how self-awareness can be your organization’s competitive advantage

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Discover how self-awareness can be your organization’s competitive advantage

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To be successful, invest in becoming highly self-aware. And ensure you make the same level of investment in every person in your organization.
Discover how self-awareness can be your organization’s competitive advantage

The world of work is constantly changing and the decade ahead is predicted to be a particularly turbulent time – and that was before coronavirus upped the ante. Increasing and often more complex customer demands, societal and environmental disruption, the need to embrace and maximize new technologies, and the changing demands of a multi-generational workforce are just a few of the factors driving that change.

To be successful, invest in becoming highly self-aware. And ensure you make the same level of investment in every person in your organization.

Self-awareness is your competitive advantage because self-aware people are self-assured people. They make better decisions – quicker. They understand their work style to become more productive. They conduct relationships in a way that’s mutually beneficial and respectful. Their communications are designed for those around them, helping key messages land better. They know how to influence peers and leaders, can develop higher-value customer relationships, and are a voice of positivity within teams. 

Increased self-awareness can help you develop the ‘human skills’ that will enable you to respond positively to whatever change you face and be successful as individuals, in teams, and as an organization – and thrive in a digitally connected world. 

Insights is a global leader in self-awareness and people development solutions. Founded by Andi and Andy Lothian in Dundee, Scotland, almost 30 years, Insights has offices in 18 countries and its flagship offering, Insights Discovery, was delivered in over 90 countries last year. Clients include more than 80% of both the S&P and FTSE 100 indexes, and some of the biggest names in the world of sport, pharmaceuticals and technology including Nike, Google, Microsoft and LinkedIn.

To find out more about Insights, click here.

Based on the psychology of eminent Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung, Insights uses self-awareness as the foundation for its award-winning learning solutions. Insights programmes are effective at all levels of business from entry level right through to C-suite because they start with the individual, by increasing self-awareness and understanding, before exploring others’ awareness and team effectiveness. This, in turn, helps to develop the human skills needed to nurture relationships, improve communication, and build trust. 

Insights works closely with customers to uncover the root causes of business issues by looking at the behaviours and preferences of every individual in the team, and the dynamic of the team. What strengths do they have? What blind-spots might exist? Are they performing as a team? What is the untapped potential? Then, Insights partners to develop the solution that’s right for each and every business.

Insights unique language of colour – Fiery Red, Sunshine Yellow, Earth Green and Cool Blue – enables teams to explore difference in a positive and productive way, develop effective strategies to interact with others, and respond to the demands of their professional environment. Insights helps individuals achieve personal breakthroughs, leading to business breakthroughs – enabling increasing innovation, creativity and productivity.

Insights people development solutions can be delivered face-to-face in ‘classroom’ settings or virtually, online. Insights is continuing to invest considerable time and resource to ensure its face-to-face and virtual solutions remain intensely human experiences that create connection, community and togetherness during one of the most disruptive moments in human history. 

Here’s what some Insights customers say about the virtual solutions.

While there is an amount of commonality in personality types, this can show up differently in different cultures and countries around the world. Insights has a dedicated team of professionals based in India, and this helps this world-leading people development company to truly understand the unique challenges and opportunities in the Indian marketplace. And, it’s another reason why Insights stands apart from other learning and development companies. 

Here are some of our case studies…

Philips increases engagement

Danone navigates organisational change with Insights

If you’re experiencing business challenge or disruption, if the connection and productivity of the individuals and teams in your organisation could be enhanced; self-awareness and improved relationships is the solution you need. So why not have a conversation with Insights today?

To get in touch, click here.


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