Article: 4 ways to bring out the STAR performance from your people

Performance Management

4 ways to bring out the STAR performance from your people

It is the People leaders responsibility to make sure that your team understand the expectation and purpose of the organization and aligning individual interest to organizational objectives.
4 ways to bring out the STAR performance from your people

As people leader one of the most important responsibilities is to make sure that your team achieve high level of performance. To achieve star performance first of all your team should clearly understand the purpose and goals of the organization. Most of the teams in spite of great efforts they miss to hit the target this due to miss alignment, lack of direction and focus in their endeavors. Rightly said by Stephen Covey” Begin with the end in mind." One should know the vision, mission, strategies, directives of the organization before they get into action. It is the People leader’s responsibility to make sure that your team understand the expectation and purpose of the organization and aligning individual interest to organizational objectives. People leader need to partner with team, get consensus and gain commitment from the team members to achieve organization goals. So let’s see below how to bring out S-T-A-R performance from your team members.

S- Set performance goals

First step to achieve star performance from your team is to set performance goals. As Tony Robbins said “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible”. Similarly, Rick Hansen said “The goal you set must be challenging. At the same time, it should be realistic and attainable, not impossible to reach. It should be challenging enough to make you stretch, but not so far that you break." Setting performance goal is very critical. Goals give sense of direction they are the road maps that guides your team to go in the right direction to reach the desired destination.  Zig Ziglar said ““A goal properly set is halfway reached.” So set performance goals and expectation clearly to your team members and explain them how you are going to measure their performance and behaviors while accomplishing the set goals. If you set right expectations, metrics, timelines it becomes easy for you and your team to work on to accomplish goals and to evaluate their performance.    Brian Tracy rightly said “An average person with average talent, ambition and education, can outstrip the most brilliant genius in our society, if that person has clear, focused goals.” So setting performance goal is the key for achieving stronger performance. Otherwise no achievements. As Robert J. McKaine   said “There is no achievement without goals."

T-Track performance progress 

Second step to have star performance from your team is to track the performance progress periodically. Once you set the performance goals and your team get into action to carry out their roles and responsibilities to accomplish task and assignments. As a people leader it’s your responsibility to track their performance and check their progress and their development needs. this will help you to take right decision and actions to make sure you are on right track. If you do not track or delay in tracking progress of the performance of your team in time it will be too late to take remedial actions and can prove to be risky and may be expensive. So it’s very important to track the performance and progress to be on the right track.

A-Appreciate and advise on performance 

Third important step to bring out star performance from your team members is to appreciate daily if they have done any good job and advise them to improve upon their performance if fall short. As rightly said by H. Jackson Brown Jr. said “Don't forget, a person's greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated.” If you appreciate your team members sincerely and timely they will remember and get motivated to continue the good performance regularly. in case you find any of your team members is deviating from the expected outcome advise them clearly what went wrong and how to rectify their mistakes and how to prevent from going in wrong directions. By taking the time out to stop by and appreciate their achievements and contributions. Providing right advice and insights can go a long way to accomplish stellar performance.

R-Review performance goals 

Last important step to bring out star performance from your team members is to review their performance goals. as rightly commented by Les Brown “Review your goals twice every day in order to be focused on achieving them”. It is not a bi-annual affair to review in the mid of the year and at the year end to check the performance in fact review has to done regularly it can be weekly or monthly. If you are reviewing performance goals regularly you can manage the performance easily. Regular review helps your team members and you in accomplishing goals and take corrective actions in case you fall short in any one of the goals. You and your team will not have any surprises and helps to mitigate the risk and achieve strong performance 


First step to achieve star performance from your team is to set performance goals. Second step to have star performance form your team is to track the performance progress periodically. Third important step to bring out star performance from your team members is to appreciate daily if they have done any good job and advise them to improve upon their performance if any misses. Last important step to bring out star performance from your team members is to review their performance goals. Rightly remarked by Harry Firestone “you get the best out of others when you give the best of yourself”. So give your star performance to get star performance from your team.

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