Article: Organizations have to take a tough stance: Gurprriet Siingh


Organizations have to take a tough stance: Gurprriet Siingh

Gurprriet Siingh, Managing Consultant, YSC India
Organizations have to take a tough stance: Gurprriet Siingh

Some states are vastly more industrialised than others, and these will ensure a positive climate for both businesses and workforce


Are workers' unions linked to politics and the state? Definitely. Why does Gujarat have the lowest union activity and unrest? Why do Haryana, West Bengal, Kerala give manufacturing companies the jitters?

I believe we are headed for a nation where some states are vastly more industrialized than others, and these will be the ones that ensure labor issues, licensing, punitive controls, etc. are all implemented well and a positive and empowering climate is created for both businesses and labor/workforce.

That the individuals who perpetrated the crime at Maruti are still at large is another example of government apathy. I also believe that it is at such times when organizations have to take a tough stance. I think Maruti should commit to not setting up any more plants in that state, and should move all future manufacturing to another state. This would be difficult, but if even one more life is saved as a result, and if corporate and shareholder profits are to be protected, then this is essential.

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Topics: C-Suite, Strategic HR, Employee Relations, #IndustrialRelations, #ExpertViews

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