Article: Defying layoffs, this firm is to generate 5,000 new jobs in India

Strategic HR

Defying layoffs, this firm is to generate 5,000 new jobs in India

In an exclusive conversation, the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Expleo shared strategies that helped his organisation hire employees instead of firing them.
Defying layoffs, this firm is to generate 5,000 new jobs in India

Technology is fundamentally altering the operational, manufacturing, communicative, and innovative facets of business. Its pervasive presence and elevated strategic significance have been consistently increasing, prompting businesses to remain dedicated to incorporating suitable technologies to revolutionise their operations. Nevertheless, despite the pronounced emphasis on digital transformation and Industry 4.0, there has been a notable deficiency in the availability of proficient talent necessary to adeptly oversee these nascent technologies.

According to the Business Transformation Index (BTI) for 2023, 77% of the global firms identified a shortage of skilled talent capable of effectively handling cutting-edge technologies. This finding underscores a substantial challenge and a strategic concern at a time when organisations are actively vying for competitiveness within an exceedingly uncertain business landscape.

Additionally, as a response to disruptive shifts, global uncertainties, and macroeconomic challenges, many businesses have been downsizing their workforce significantly. However, amidst this reshaping of the job market, Expleo, a provider of engineering, technology, and consulting services, managed to generate 5,000 new job opportunities in India. 

To understand the strategies behind this substantial job creation, we had a conversation with Prashant Bramhankar, the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Expleo. He elaborated on the various strategic initiatives that the company planned, implemented and outcomes they achieved. 

Adoption of technology: A key element in creating jobs

The adoption of technology is no longer just about improving business processes; it's a potent catalyst for job creation. To remain competitive and resilient in today's world, businesses must embrace technology and invest in upskilling their workforce to thrive in the digital age. As industries evolve, so do the opportunities for employment, making technology adoption a key element in shaping the jobs of the future.

“The organisation's objective has been to accelerate innovation along every link in the value chain by drawing on its broad experience in a variety of areas, including data science, hyper-automation, digitalisation, and AI engineering. And as technology is taking the lead, we felt a need to hire a diverse range of professionals. As a result, the business in India has been able to add over 2000 highly skilled employees, along with a 30% YoY growth in India in the past year,” Bramhankar told People Matters.

Scaling in India to support global growth

Client trust is an indispensable resource for businesses, and its importance becomes particularly pronounced during the process of business expansion. Scaling a company means broadening its activities, customer pool, and market presence. Within this dynamic path to growth, the trust that clients place in the company assumes a central role in determining its success. 

For instance, with more than 25 years of operating businesses in India and worldwide, Prashant Bramhankar’s organisation has been proactive in curating strategies to future-proof their clients' businesses while guiding them through their business transformation. “In addition to simplifying the corporate structure, expanding business, and creating value for our shareholders and clients, this scaling up has provided us significant opportunities to attract top talent who will drive the company’s growth,” added the Chief Operating Officer at Expleo. 

Diversified hiring

Diversified hiring transcends moral obligations; it stands as a strategic asset. It stimulates innovation, broadens market penetration, and serves as a tangible testament to an organisation's dedication to fairness and inclusivity. By wholeheartedly embracing workforce diversity, companies can strategically position themselves for enduring prosperity in an ever more global and multifaceted landscape.

When it comes to Expleo, its COO said that the company has been keen to include talent from different backgrounds as they bring a new skillset, experience, and perspective to the table. The idea is to get “improved productivity, higher employee retention, enhanced reputation, and better alignment with customer needs. Embracing these opportunities not only benefits individual but also contributes to the overall success and competitiveness of the business as a whole,” said Mr Bramhankar. 

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Topics: Strategic HR, Diversity, Leadership, #Hiring, #Layoffs

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