Article: A talent brand must be accessible to all

premiumTalent Acquisition

A talent brand must be accessible to all

B.P Biddappa, ED-HR at Hindustan Unilever Ltd & VP HR Unilever South Asia, says building strong talent brand takes years
A talent brand must be accessible to all

A company with a strong product brand need not necessarily have a strong talent brand

What according to you is a talent brand and in Hindustan Unilever’s case how does it help attract talent? For us, there are three major brand touch points: One is the company’s corporate brand itself, second is the various product brands and the third is the talent brand and the company’s equity in the talent market. People like to work for companies whose values they can identify and relate with and, who have a strong corporate governance background. Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) is a combination of these three dimensions of the brand. In addition to having a strong corporate set of values and a range of well-known products that make you feel good, look good and get more out of life, HUL is also seen as a place where talent grows and prospers from their own perspective at all levels and is an exciting and positive place to be in. How do you build a talent brand equity? How do you create highly-engaged and measurable solutions for brands that help connect the em...
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