Article: COVIDex: Find and fix the moments that matter

A Brand Reachout InitiativeTalent Management

COVIDex: Find and fix the moments that matter

This Tweetchat by People Matters and SAP SuccessFactors saw industry speakers answering some of the most burning questions pertaining to creating an employee experience in the times of pandemic.
COVIDex: Find and fix the moments that matter

Most companies address ‘Moments that Matter’ with a decades-old, top-down approach. This paradigm is based on treating workers alike and having HR serve as the primary conduit to a standard set of work-related experiences including recruiting, onboarding, training, promotion, and retirement. As work and workforces have grown more complex, it is clear that ‘Moments that Matter’ does not occur solely at specified career milestones.

The tweetchat discussion was centered around creating the critical moments of employee experience on a continual basis like workplace design, sharing feedback, growth opportunities, measuring the experience outcome, etc.

Here is a snapshot of the discussion:


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Topics: Talent Management, #EXWeek

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