Blog: 5 things you can learn from your subordinates


5 things you can learn from your subordinates

Often, a simple solution to a complex problem given by a fresher will be brushed under the carpet because the idea is beyond the rules or even ‘revolutionary’.
5 things you can learn from your subordinates

Often, a simple solution to a complex problem given by a fresher will be brushed under the carpet because the idea is beyond the rules or even ‘revolutionary’. To teach and to learn are not separate lingos, rather they are conjoined and one cannot be internalised without the other. In the professional field, it has often been the case that a new joinee or even an entry level executive will have to go through the grind of learning the ropes of the corporate ladder. Often, a simple solution to a complex problem given by a fresher will be brushed under the carpet because the idea is beyond the rules or even ‘revolutionary’. Millennial workforce is a different lot – they are hardworking, dedicated, and also like to live life to the lees. They don’t have the time to waste on redundant policies which make their work difficult and tedious. Millennials like to work quickly and efficiently with one simple rule – work should get done as fast as possible. 

So how are our leaders placed with regard to this new crop of professionals? Are they ready to learn a thing or two from their subordinates? 

Here are 5 things that a leader can learn from his/her workers/juniors.

Out of the box ideas

These young professionals are a powerhouse of most unusual ideas, and they are fearless to take the lead. These ideas might seem little out of the way for traditional organisations, but give those ideas a chance. Don’t let superiority take over the new ideas that these younger professionals give them to you. 

Up-to-date with latest trends and technology

They are the first ones to tell you how the newest technology can help you with your work. They will instantly tell you why upgrading to the latest version of a particular operating system is not going to help, rather stick to the ones that you are using or even vice-versa. It makes sense to listen to them because you will never regret.

Equal opportunity

They are fluid in their thoughts. This new lot believes in team work and realises that opportunities are for all. They don’t mind sharing their views with others because they are happy to lend their support to people around them— this trait is because they are not bogged down by the expectations of the system, which eventually hit everyone at some point. A leader can take this as a lesson which will help him delegate equal opportunities among his employees – removing the biased tag that often comes with being at the top.

Honest opinion

Diplomacy is the name of the game which you learn while at work and then you leverage it to reach to the top. However, it doesn’t really help everytime you take a decision – because everytime you cannot be diplomatic. A leader is often termed as diplomatic wherever he evades certain points to say ‘maybe’ instead of ‘yes’ or ‘no’.  The freshers are far more on your face with their opinions than people at the top. They give you honest feedback when asked and not think of whether they sabotaged their positions in the organisation providing that opinion.


Energy is contagious. When one of your team members is bubbling with ‘the need finish work fast’, the team will feel that too. A leader’s mature understanding with the energy of the young executive will be a potent combination for success. And before you know it, it will be part of your office culture. Most importantly, you will be surprised to see the time you will have to do other things just because you finished your work on time!

Learning is an endless process. We learn everyday, and the more we are open to learn from any one of us – our kids, partners, friends, juniors, colleagues, and also nature – we will have a receptive mind to deal with complex problems with simple solutions.

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Topics: Culture, Diversity

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