Recruitment automation trends to look forward to in 2019

The success of an organization massively depends on the employees of the organization, which is why CEOs emphasize on getting top talents for the organization who fit in with the work culture of the firm. Getting the creamy layer of talent for an organization can be a stressful process for the talent acquisition team. It comes down to fitting a candidate who is the right fit for the roles in specific span of time. This is where automation plays an essential role in speeding up the process. "Development can help great people be even better - but if I had a dollar to spend, I'd spend 70 cents getting the right person in the door", and we couldn’t agree more with Paul Russell.
Advantages of Recruitment Automation
In a study Prioritizing The Candidate Journey Through Recruitment Automation, it clearly states, “Recruitment automation streamlines the talent acquisition process to support a better candidate experience and provide the consistency and structure that is often missing from talent acquisition.” Just like automation has helped companies grow massively, automation in HR helps the company in multiple ways. The recruitment industry will produce better results once they understand and utilize these tools to their maximum potential. An organization should recognize the privileges these tools can provide without being threatened by its takeover because technology will not replace humans but will help them perform better. Some benefits of automation are listed below:
Quick sourcing of candidates: Putting out for jobs manually is a hefty and a time-consuming task. However, with automation tools in action, the entire process can be done with minimized human efforts. You can go through the different job descriptions and customize the requirement. This will maximize the number of suitable applicants. With the tool, an organization can post the requirements on multiple platforms in a single click. Further, with the help of an algorithm, one can pre-screen the applicants. The excellent feature about ML is; it learns from recruiter behavior and suggests profiles according to the organization's needs by scanning through employees CVs.
Improves ROI and Productivity: Automated tools have multiple features. Some devices are equipped with robust data tracking and analytics that gives recruiters the business intelligence to recognize bottlenecks and increase the ROI of the overall recruitment process. It also automatically provides several reports that further provide instant data on their productivity and help improve it.
Candidate Experience: The worst part of the job seeking process for any candidate is the wait for an answer. The most common mistake most organizations make is when they leave the candidate unanswered. These automated tools help to revert all the candidates in a short period. Giving a clear picture of the candidature eliminates the confusion about anything. Bots can also send the appointment letters to candidates in a click.
Trends 2019
Here are a few trends that have caught attention this year:-
Employer Branding: Employer brand is another term for an organization's reputation. An organization's reputation is imperative for building an attractive and compelling employer brand. A company with a bad reputation struggles to hire talent, so creating an organizational image is essential.
Talent Pools: Talent pool is a database where the recruiters keep their top candidates for a specific role. Moreover, the database can have other candidates who haven't applied for the job but have the potential to work a role or the candidates who have joined the pool willingly in an inbound way. This way, an organization can keep track of high-quality candidates for the future as well.
Candidate Experience: Candidate experience adds massively to build the image of an organization. The candidate's feelings towards an organization are based on their experience during the recruitment process. The positive experience can make the candidates come back and spread a good word around the industry, or negative experience can damage the reputation of the organization.
Inbound Recruitment: It is the marketing strategy that attracts candidates continually and proactively. The goal is to choose the new employer by drawing, engaging, and converting the candidates. Inbound Recruiting is a great long-term solution to advance an organization's hiring strategy.
Entelo's survey on Recruitment Automation gave the best insight into ongoing trends. According to the study, 75 percent of the organization use automation for the hiring process. Passive recruitment has helped the companies hiring high-quality talent, but with digitization, the companies are now turning to tools and software to pipeline talent. The statistics in the study suggest, 78 percent of professionals in HR believe in following data intelligence will lead their business to thrive. 39 percent recruiters think sourcing the right candidates is the key to a successful business. Subsequently, the study concluded, 80 percent recruiters encourage the use of automation in talent acquisition processes along with other things.
In conclusion, it is safe to say Recruitment Automation has proven to be useful to talent acquisition. It results in, saving employee time, which can be utilized in other attributes of the company and help them grow.