Event: Dating v/s Marriage: How talent technology investment can work in the long run

  • When: Tuesday, 27th September, 2016, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm (IST)
  • Price: Complimentary
  • Who should attend: HR Heads, L&D Heads, HR Managers and Senior HR & L&D Leaders

The difference between shopping for a talent management system - and maximizing your ROI once you have one - is similar to the difference between dating and preparing for marriage: you need to first identify your wants and needs, and then determine which solution (or partner) you want to make them happen. The end goal? A long-term, mutually satisfying relationship.

In this webinar we will explore how to take the vendor – customer relationship to the next level and look at the steps leading to commitment.

1. Pre Implementation – Understanding the white spaces and talent challenges that technology can help overcome

2. Partner Evaluation – Finding the right connect with a partner and their alignment with your goals

3. Implementation & Beyond – Driving user adoption & leveraging talent technology for delivering key business outcomes


Click Here to book your seat for the webinar session.


Rashmi Mehrotra

Rashmi Mehrotra

Solution Consultant, Asia Pacific & Japan, Cornerstone OnDemand

For more information contact…

Shweta Dixit
0124 4412 326


People Matters & KellyOCG Webinar


  • Cornersstone OnDemand