Event: LinkedIn Live: GenAI in HR: From Buzzword to Business Strategy

  • When: Thursday, June 06th | 04:00 PM - 04:45 PM IST
  • Who should attend: CHROs, HR Leaders, CXOs, HR Heads, Senior HR professionals and Managers

The integration of Generation AI (GenAI) technologies has become increasingly prevalent across various HR functions. From talent acquisition to learning and development, from total rewards and wellness to employee experience – GenAI is being discussed at every facet of the employee lifecycle. According to PredictLeads, a research firm, says about two-thirds of S&P 500 firms have posted job adverts mentioning AI.

However, amidst the rise of AI advancements, it's crucial for HR leaders to discern between trends and impactful strategies. Are today’s leaders able to articulate the difference?

Initial conversations with HR leaders as part of the People Matters flagship State of HR Industry 2024 research study, HR leaders are looking beyond the hype to create meaningful impact through GenAI integration. Many have begun experimenting with GenAI across specific HR functions but remain divided on its overall HR impact. 

By navigating the GenAI revolution with strategic foresight, HR leaders can ensure that their organizations not only keep pace with technological advancements but also harness them effectively to drive transformative journeys. This conversation will bring together leaders who will reflect on emerging priorities for HR leaders.

  • Why is it important to assess an organization's readiness for GenAI integration?
  • What are the key factors to successfully implement GenAI in HR today?  How should we look beyond the hype and focus on impact through GenAI integration?
  • How should HR operating models respond to this growing need of leveraging AI capabilities? 
  • What are the key ethical and governance-related concerns? And how can HR leaders ensure that GenAI technologies are used ethically and responsibly in the workplace?
  • What new skills and capabilities will HR professionals need to develop to effectively leverage GenAI technologies?
  • What key performance indicators (KPIs) should HR leaders track to evaluate the impact of GenAI on the organization?



Webcast : Navigating the GenAI Era

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