Event: L&D Leadership League Week 2015

  • When: 2nd to 6th November 2015
  • Who should attend: CHRO, Chief Learning Officers, Learning Directors & Managers, L&D Specialists

Launching the L&D Leadership League Week 2015

L&D Leadership League is a year long initiative which provides expert insight and information to the L&D leaders and senior HR professionals leading L&D function in their respective organisations. In 2013, People Matters Media started the first L&D Leadership League to provide an exposure to the best learning & development practices of Indian and global organizations and helped in creating an environment where they can build their strategic capabilities. The focus of the league has been to provide an opportunity for leaders managing this portfolio to come together, share their best practices and ideas, learn from new products in the market by suppliers and raise their game to attract and retain the best talent.

This year, the theme of L&D Leadership League is Co – Creating Strategic Learning in Changing Times. The discussions at the League focussed on many important questions. How L&D leaders sift through the clutter and zero in on meeting the learning needs of their people? What are others doing – in the global arena, well as the India market? What kind of strategic approaches are working – and which ones are not? How is learning for leadership development evolving? What does the L&D marketplace look like? How can L&D leaders connect learning with business outcomes? What are some of the new ways organizations are measuring the efficiency of learning?

For the third year running, People Matters is proud to present the L&D Leadership league 2015.

The L&D Leadership League week is the extension to the Annual Conference with a dedicated week for the learning community.

This week-long initiative will bring you:

  • Content focused newsletters
  • Twangout
  • Masterclass
  • Tweetchat
  • Videos from the leaders


A few seconds here will take you to a week full of knowledge and learning! Register now!

For more information contact…

Shashi Sharma


  • Wilson Learning
  • Great Lakes Institute
  • Sumtotal
  • Pearson TalentLens
  • CCL

Your opinion matters: Tell us how we're doing this quarter!

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