5th February 2016
The Leela Ambience, Gurgaon
For HR Leaders: INR 12000, For Service Providers: INR 25000
Who should attend:
CHRO, HR Heads, HR Business Leaders, Reward Strategists, Compensation & Benefit Heads
The stage is set and the spotlight on. Total Rewards Conclave 2016 invites you to gather to inspire brilliance in compensation & benefits strategizing. This Conclave is an opportunity to align your strategies with the recent trends in the rewards space. There will be inputs from sessions across formats, interaction with internationally and nationally acclaimed HR minds and talk of the latest trends, as also the future outlook.Two different tracks, plenary and masterclass in parallel, will enable organisations create the right reward frameworks and become a Destination Employer.
Each participant will have an access to a market of solutions in the reward space, experiencing customized solutions from a range of service providers. This must attend annual conference will be attended by 400+ comp & ben professionals who will come together and witness the best practices showcased by the Destination Employers.
Here are the top 5 reasons why you should join us at Total Rewards Conclave 2016:
1. Get to know the approaches to create the right reward frameworks that can make your organization a Destination Employer.
2. Know the best and the next practices in Rewards from Subject Matter Experts
3. Take a look at a futuristic view on rewards from 6 of the most progressive and influential organizations.
4. Masterclass tracks on Designing Rewards, Job Evaluation and Benchmarking Compensation, and Marketing these Reward programs
5. An access to a market of solutions in the reward space. Customized solutions from a range of service providers are offered.
To visit our website: Click Here | To download brochure: Click Here
- A Board's-eye view
- Cornering over half the cost base, Reward is very much on the radar of the C-suite. How does reward connect with the talent strategy? What does the board look for in a reward program to align to the business strategy?
- Making your Value Proposition Simply Irresistable
- Re-looking at Reward and EVP from the employees view. Taking employee preference at the center-stage and optimizing Rewards.
- Global & Local Trends in Benefits and Total Remuneration
- Developing a total rewards philosophy that is aligned to the organization strategy, is global enough for the scale and aspiration and is flexible enough to be implemented at country level is critical to become a Destination Employer in all locations that the organization aspires to operate. What are the aproaches that work to create the right reward frameworks? What are organizations doing today? What is ahead?
- Ways to Drive Employee Well-Being for Productive Workplaces
- Employee wellness programs have made major strides lately. Moved on top of the Reward leaders agenda, they are no longer considered just a nice to have or offered by employers as a way to check the box. What is the perception of wellness around the globe? What is the length and breadth of wellness? What is the impact of the wellness program?
- The Role of Rewards in Enabling Organization Agenda - Facebook Story
- Whether is Innovation, Operational Effectiveness, Globalization ... creating a culture that encourages the right behaviours, that lead to the required business results is not simple. Organization's plans often fail because of lack of alignment. Employees needs to understand what is expected and how to do it but thet should also be rewarded for their contribution. This session examines how rewards programs enable and support the culture the organization aims to create from several perspectives.
- Keynote - Create a culture for greatness
- Organizations need to raise the bar of performance in today's business environment more competitive day-by-day. That is only possible if every individual aspires to do their best, to raise their individual bar for the common goal of the organization. What does great work look like? How can organizations percolate its meaning and align everybody? How does one recognize and reward great work?
The Leela Ambience, Gurgaon
Ambience Island, National Highway 8, Gurgaon, Haryana 122002