Event: Webinar on The Aon Best Employers India 2017 Journey

  • When: Wednesday, 9th November, 2016 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm (IST)
  • Price: Complimentary
  • Who should attend: CHROs, HR Heads, HR Managers, Senior & Middle HR Leaders

In a dynamic business environment, being a Best Employer is a moving target. We learnt this from the leaders of the most progressive companies

They participate in the Aon Best Employers study to learn –

1. From their employees on what they want
2. From the industry on emerging new practices, and strategies that work
3. From the study reports and benchmarks to evaluate how they measure up on their people practices vs the Best

These inputs help them align their business and talent strategy; steering them towards growth.

Sign up for the webinar to listen to Aon and industry leaders as they share their experience and learning from the study.


Sukhjit Pasricha

Sukhjit Pasricha

Vice President, HR & Admin, IndiGo
Yamini Maheshwari

Yamini Maheshwari

India Leader, Aon Best Employers

For more information contact…

Nishanth M V


People Matters & Peopleworks Webinar