Event: #WomensDay | People Matters Big Questions: Tackle Manterrupting at work ?

  • When: Tuesday, 7th March 2023
  • Location: LinkedIn Live
  • Who should attend: CEOs, CHROs, TA Heads, HR Directors, HR Senior Managers, HR Managers and HR executives

People Matters’ Big Questions series, which is dedicated to International Women’s Day, call to create more inclusive and equitable workplaces by deliberating on - How To Tackle Manterrupting, Bropropriating and Mansplaining at work? 

  • How do practices like manterrupting, bropropriating and mansplaining impact the workplace, specifically women's experiences at work? 
  • What role can male employees play in tackling practices like manterrupting, bropropriating and mansplaining to promote gender equality in the workplace? 
  • Should organisations have clear guidelines and policies that specifically address microaggression to create a more inclusive and equitable workplace?
  • What can HRs do to identify patterns of manterrupting, bropropriating and mansplaining to take action and address these issues? 
  • While microaggressions are mostly unintentional forms of discrimination or bias, what should be the course of action against them?

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Deeksha Kamotra Arora


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