News: India leads in Asia Pacific in GenAI adoption: Deloitte survey


India leads in Asia Pacific in GenAI adoption: Deloitte survey

Generation AI is driving this change, saving work hours, creating new skill development opportunities, and boosting productivity.
India leads in Asia Pacific in GenAI adoption: Deloitte survey

India has emerged as the leader in Generative AI adoption in the Asia Pacific region. Thanks to the exceptional response to GenAI, 93 percent of students and 83 percent of employees actively engage with the technology.

According to the Generative AI in the Asia Pacific: Young Employees leads as employers Play catchup survey, the robust adoption of GenAI has been driven by tech-savvy, young employees, known as “Generation AI,” who are driving GenAI adoption, presenting new challenges and opportunities for employers as they adapt to these changes. A total of 11,900 individuals were surveyed by Deloite in the Asia Pacific.

The report points out that the “Generation AI” is leading the way in saving work hours, creating new skill development opportunities, creating more sustainable workloads and increasing productivity.

The increased adoption of GenAI emphasizes the need for employers and policymakers to adapt to this rapidly evolving technology.

The dynamic business impact of GenAI adoption, coupled with a projected 182 percent increase in daily usage over the next five years, reflects a dynamic trajectory towards deeper integration. Such optimism is echoed in the belief of 75 percent of Indians regarding GenAI’s potential to elevate Asia Pacific’s role in the global economy, with 83 percent expressing confidence in its ability to enhance social outcomes. Notably, 86 percent of Indian users report faster task completion, 85 percent note improved output quality and 83 percent emphasize enhanced ideation capabilities.

Key findings from the report

Generation AI leads the way: Students and employees lead the GenAI revolution across Asia Pacific, but only 50 percent believe their managers know they are using it.

Significant impact: GenAI could significantly affect 17 percent of working hours across Asia Pacific, amounting to almost 1.1 billion work hours annually.

Traditional technology hierarchy: This may be disrupted with the rapid adoption of GenAI in developing countries at 30 percent, which is higher compared with developed economies across Asia Pacific.

Talent benefits: GenAI users across Asia Pacific save ~6.3 hours per week, with Indian users saving 7.85 hours per week, enabling employees to acquire new skills.

Saves time: GenAI can support more sustainable workloads and productivity, with 41 percent of time savers believing this has improved their work-life balance.

Managing risks: Three-quarters of businesses are falling behind on GenAI adoption, according to their own employees.


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Anjani Kumar, Partner, Consulting, Deloitte India, added, “GenAI has revolutionised the approach and future of work. Unlocking newer possibilities can help us do things faster, better, and more creatively leading to more meaningful experiences for talent. To fully use this transformative technology, it is crucial to address implementation challenges and deepen our understanding of its capabilities. Despite its clear benefits, obstacles such as implementation complexities, risk aversion and knowledge gaps impede widespread adoption.”

“Leaders should use these technologies not only for efficiency gains but also to fundamentally reshape business models and processes. Overcoming implementation hurdles requires proactive engagement and a comprehensive understanding of AI’s capabilities among stakeholders” he added.

Three key actions for businesses to adopt

The fast adoption of GenAI has necessitated that business leaders and employees need to think strategically and act proactively to respond to the rapidly changing environment. Based on the analysis of the report’s findings, businesses should take the following high-impact actions:

Develop and implement a GenAI strategy that brings your employees on the journey.

Empower employees to own their AI journey.

Develop data infrastructure iteratively as needed to embrace GenAI.

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Topics: Technology, Strategic HR, #HRTech

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