Article: Lovely outfit, colleague! Fetch me some tea


Lovely outfit, colleague! Fetch me some tea

Discrimination against women comes in all sizes from the most brutal, to the so-called subtle ones. But why do women need to choose between keeping their jobs or their homes?
Lovely outfit, colleague! Fetch me some tea
Discriminating against women at work is not only immoral, it does not make economic sense either. It is like shooting your own foot. Not both the feet, but still quite harmful.  It works like this. When young women cannot find role models to follow, many might give up studying or working hard to “get there”; particularly where the social pressure on young women is to marry and have babies. The result is that, as a society, the discriminating society enters the world war for talent walking on one foot.  That is quite bad for any society, but it also works poorly for any company. Where discrimination against women is at play, women will find other ways of fulfillment and corporations will end up being commanded by lesser men. Discrimination against women comes in all sizes — from the most brutal, to the so called subtle ones — rape and harassing rank among the first, while innuendos rank among the latter. But calling innuendos subtle is a misnomer. Th...
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