Article: 2024 Transformation Roadmap: MGN India's Jayanthi Gopal unveils key elements for a thriving workplace

Strategic HR

2024 Transformation Roadmap: MGN India's Jayanthi Gopal unveils key elements for a thriving workplace

Jayanthi Gopal, HR Head at Mashreq Global Network India, outlines the organisation's 2024 focus on talent management, innovation, and employee-centric benefits to transform into a thriving workplace.
2024 Transformation Roadmap: MGN India's Jayanthi Gopal unveils key elements for a thriving workplace

As the Head of Human Resources at Mashreq Global Network India, Jayanthi Gopal focuses on cultivating an inclusive, progressive, and competitive work culture. To achieve this, she delves into core issues that require constant attention, including talent retention, learning and development, gender diversity in leadership, and steering organisational success amidst challenges like vulnerabilities stemming from the pandemic, layoffs, mass resignations, or economic recession.

In an insightful interview with People Matters, Jayanthi outlined three crucial objectives for the sustainable success of Mashreq Global Network - data-driven smart initiatives, comprehensive employee well-being, and a swift transition towards automation and digitalisation. She says, “Acknowledging the significance of efficiency and the 'less is more' principle, our automation endeavours aim to streamline repetitive tasks, preventing monotony and nurturing a motivated, skilled workforce. The well-being aspect encompasses financial, emotional, and physical dimensions, with a commitment to fostering a workplace free from toxicity. Furthermore, our focus on continuous learning ensures that each individual undergoes a year of continuous personal and professional development.”

Here are the edited excerpts: 

Q. With your insights from the lessons of 2023, what emerging global trends do you foresee in terms of talent management and employee experience in 2024? How will these trends lead an organisation towards success and competitiveness? 

The world, since the pandemic hit, has unfolded with distinctive challenges, marking a period of unprecedented and continuous change. The year 2020 stood out as a year of extreme vulnerability, and 2021 earned the moniker ‘The Great Resignation,’ which was followed by 2022 as a transformative trend. The culmination of these shifts, coupled with significant layoffs in 2023 and the onset of a global recession, has cast a shadow of caution over the outlook for 2024. This caution is further magnified by the impending elections in two major democracies, influencing the approach to talent management across various companies. The consensus in forums and discussions, particularly pertaining to India, anticipates a period of watchful observation during the first two quarters of the year as organisations assess and balance their workforce needs. Optimistically, the expectation is that an upturn may manifest in the latter half of the year.

Amidst this uncertain landscape, the role of HR professionals is pivotal, with a primary focus on prioritising the emotional, mental, and financial well-being of employees. The traditional notion of job security has evolved, necessitating a proactive investment in softer aspects to ensure a resilient and engaged workforce. 

Notably, the workforce comprises diverse generations, each with its unique perspective on the employer-employee relationship. Acknowledging these differences, efforts are being made to tailor benefits to cater to the psychological contracts that different generations seek with organisations. With Gen Z emerging as a significant presence in the workforce, there is a recognition that the majority of the future workforce will be of this generation.

In response to the changing dynamics, organisations, including Mashreq Global Network, are reevaluating traditional hierarchical structures. While hierarchies persist to accommodate diverse generational preferences, the emphasis is shifting from positional power to individual contributions, networks, and net worth. Continuous learning and adaptability within a skill-set framework are becoming imperative for success in this evolving professional landscape.

The accelerated shift towards a networked, empowered, and agile environment is a stark departure from the rigid hierarchies of the past decade. The current emphasis is on what individuals bring to the table, their network, and overall contribution, transcending the constraints of traditional hierarchical norms. Consequently, the term "layoffs" no longer solely denotes downsizing but signifies a broader organisational restructuring, with a focus on flattening hierarchies to enable skilled professionals to contribute effectively. Voluntary exits are increasingly observed as individuals realign themselves with evolving organisational structures.

In essence, embracing a new mindset and adapting to the rapid changes post-2020 are imperative for survival in this dynamic and uncertain professional landscape.

Q. What are the key elements of a thriving workplace? Additionally, are there any cultural shifts or initiatives planned to enhance collaboration and innovation within Mashreq Global Network India?

To foster a thriving workplace, the key elements are: transparency, honesty, and active engagement with the entire workforce are paramount. At Mashreq Global Network, we have embraced the concept of an Employee Value Proposition, as a bold commitment to our employees. This comprehensive statement is presented by leaders across the organisation, from our global CHRO to leaders in various Mashreq Global Network entities. It serves as a guide for the commitments we aim to achieve throughout the year.

Aligned with this commitment, we actively seek feedback through different mechanisms such as employee voice of the customer, employee engagement surveys, and 360-degree feedback. This ensures that our internal customers, the employees, have a platform to voice their ideas, concerns, and opinions. The feedback loop, reinforced every six months, allows for continual improvement and responsiveness to evolving needs.

While recognising the necessity of occasionally making unpopular decisions and implementing policies, we emphasise treating employees as our most significant customers. This perspective informs our communication strategies, which prioritise open and two-way communication. The employee value proposition serves as a bridge, aligning the organisation's goals with the aspirations of its workforce.

In addressing the prevalent challenges of work-life balance, burnout, and workload, we acknowledge the importance of a flexible work environment. Our focus is on encouraging employees to fulfil their potential while also offering flexible work arrangements. The emphasis is not solely on working specific hours but on instilling confidence that the organisation supports employees in managing personal responsibilities without compromising productivity.

A notable initiative to reinforce work-life balance is the planned restriction of complete system access during employee downtime. This move aims to underscore the organisation's commitment to a finer work-life balance and resilience, emphasising process dependency over individual reliance.

Beyond these initiatives, our commitment extends to building an ecosystem that fosters collaboration and innovation. In recognising the transformative power of new-age technologies, we position ourselves as pioneers in the banking industry. This innovation is driven by the collaborative efforts of our employees, and we strive to nurture an ecosystem where people thrive.

In conclusion, our initiatives go beyond the traditional 9-to-5 approach, acknowledging the diverse needs of employees and prioritising their holistic well-being. The commitment to work-life balance and employee well-being reflects our dedication to creating a workplace where collaboration and innovation flourish, essential elements for the survival and success of any organisation, especially in the rapidly evolving banking landscape.

Q. Please share how organisations can prioritise employee well-being effectively, especially considering the challenges posed by the modern work environment. Can you share examples of new wellness programmes or benefits introduced to support employees' mental and physical health that turned out really well for Mashreq Global Network India?

In the process of examining exit interviews or candid conversations with current employees, we discovered that - it's not the workload that most concerns them, but rather the toxicity within corporate culture. The rise of workplace toxicity contributes significantly to burnout, overshadowing concerns about the sheer volume of work. To address this, a focus on promoting holistic well-being becomes paramount. Recognising the subjective nature of toxicity, Mashreq Global Network adopts a personalised approach. 

Initiatives such as employee assistance programmes and mentoring provide outlets for individuals to discuss workplace challenges. This personalised approach extends to performance evaluations, where emphasis is placed not only on quantitative achievements but also on behaviours aligned with Mashreq Global Network’s values. These values, including honesty, integrity, and transparency, are actively recognised and rewarded, creating a workplace culture where living up to these principles is more than a formality.

Illustrating the commitment to well-being, Mashreq Global Network is reevaluating its medical insurance scheme to transition from a one-size-fits-all model to a flex benefits plan. This shift acknowledges diverse family circumstances and individual needs, allowing employees to customise their medical plans based on their unique requirements. The aim is to be inclusive, considering factors such as maternity coverage, OPD preferences, and even specialised needs like autism coverage.

In an effort to support women returning to the workforce after a career break, Mashreq Global Network has launched the Reignite programme. This initiative provides coaching, mentoring, and tailored programmes to empower returning women professionals to reach their full potential. The organisation acknowledges the courage required to rejoin the workforce after an extended hiatus and aims to proactively facilitate their seamless transition.

Beyond the reactive approach of traditional medical insurance, Mashreq Global Network’s proactive wellness strategy extends to encouraging women professionals and fostering a sense of belonging within the organisation. The Reignite programme exemplifies this commitment, recognising that health goes beyond the absence of disease to encompass holistic well-being.

At core, Mashreq Global Network’s initiatives underscore the commitment to a workplace culture that prioritises transparency, values, and individual well-being. These efforts, extending to personalised benefits and proactive programmes, reflect a comprehensive approach to creating a thriving and inclusive work environment.

Q. What steps is Mashreq Global Network India taking to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace this year? Are there specific goals or metrics in place to measure the success of these initiatives?

Diversity stands at the core of Mashreq Global Network’s values, with a particular emphasis on gender diversity. The organisation has set a target to achieve a 50% female representation by 2024, with understanding the complexities associated with this target. While the conventional approach involves hiring more women for new and replacement roles, the organisation acknowledges the existence of a "leaky pipeline." Many women leave the workforce not solely for higher-paying opportunities elsewhere or personal reasons, but due to unaddressed work-related concerns within the organisation.

  • To combat this leakage, the organisation is proactively working on policies and enhancements to encourage the retention of female employees. The Reignite programme serves as a pathway to reintegrate individuals who have taken a break from the workforce.
  • Additionally, efforts extend to engaging departing employees to understand their concerns and implement changes that could foster a more inclusive environment. An illustrative example of this commitment is the policy reimbursing childcare expenses for returning mothers. Recognising the low uptake, the organisation conducted an inquiry and adapted the policy to be more flexible, accommodating various childcare arrangements beyond accredited providers. While this initiative is still in progress, it showcases the organisation's willingness to evolve its policies based on feedback and changing circumstances.
  • Furthermore, the organisation conducts focus group meetings with women who have returned to the workforce after an extended break. The organisation provides support through mentoring and navigation into the evolved work landscape. This approach has proved effective in encouraging women to return without fear of judgement about their prior work experience.

Although Mashreq Global Network has achieved 35% gender diversity in India, the organisation is committed to reaching the 50% target. The upcoming year, 2024, poses a challenge as it demands simultaneous efforts in hiring and retaining women. The commitment extends beyond gender diversity, as the organisation actively encourages the inclusion of People with Determination (PWD) candidates, offering a flexible and supportive work environment.

Principally, Mashreq Global Network’s dedication to diversity, especially gender diversity, is evident in its multifaceted approach that includes hiring, retention efforts, and the inclusion of PWD candidates. The organisation's adaptability and commitment make it a compelling workplace for those seeking an inclusive and supportive professional environment.

Q. How do you encourage and support women in leadership positions? Are there any specific initiatives in place to balance gender diversity towards leadership roles, and if yes, what is the success rate for these initiatives?

For leadership roles, we conduct a pay equity audit to ensure fairness. In succession planning, we critically examine the pipeline's composition, acknowledging its current deficiency. Recognising the need for a robust pipeline for future diversity, we actively seek ways to strengthen it. This involves not only external hiring but also ensuring internal candidates are prepared for leadership positions when the time comes. 

As part of succession planning, our "Coach for Performance" programme encourages individuals, both men and women, to seek mentoring and sponsorship within the organisation. "Learning Pathways" facilitates self-driven skill development, allowing individuals to identify and address skill gaps based on their needs within the scope of Mashreq Bank’s programmes. 

We emphasise upskilling for all employees, particularly addressing cultural and gender-related tendencies where women may hesitate to apply for roles. To counteract this hesitation, we actively encourage women to apply for training programmes and job openings, promoting a competitive and transparent selection process. We post job openings internally and externally, ensuring that the best candidate, whether internal or external, secures the position. This approach not only motivates our internal workforce but also maintains agility in comparison to external candidates.

Addressing the confidence gap, we coach and mentor women in the succession planning pipeline, fostering a culture where they feel empowered to apply and compete for roles. We stress the importance of putting oneself forward, even if success isn't guaranteed, as it provides valuable learning experiences.

Our approach focuses on building a pipeline of capable women over the next five years, with a vision of achieving a balanced organisation: 50% women and 50% men. We aim for diversity that goes beyond gender, encompassing a mix of thoughts and backgrounds. Our long-term goal for Mashreq Global Network in the next five years is to foster a truly diverse and inclusive organisational spirit.

Q. Last year, Learning and Development evolved significantly with the help of AI tools. How do you see new technologies further strengthening training and skill development in 2024? What initiatives does MGN India have in place for continuous learning and development of its employees this year? 

Learning pathways aim to intuitively guide employees towards personalised skill development. The concept is to make learning suggestions based on individual queries, fostering a sense of autonomy in addressing one's skill gaps discreetly. While traditional classroom training persists, we are gradually transitioning towards tailored learning experiences, aligning with employees' unique needs. The vision for learning pathways is to provide bespoke learning opportunities for each individual, emphasising the importance of bridging specific skill gaps. To make it effective, diverse teams, including senior executives and recent joiners, may partake in virtual classrooms united by a common interest in acquiring specific skills such as Microsoft Power BI or communication skills. To supplement this, we plan to collaborate with external providers renowned for their top-tier training programmes, ensuring our employees access high-quality content without additional costs.

Our investment in Learning and Development (L&D) aims at fostering a flexible approach, allowing employees to choose programmes aligning with their interests. Recognising the time constraints many face, particularly regarding traditional classroom training, we leverage AI to facilitate micro-learning. This approach enables individuals to absorb small increments of knowledge daily, catering to their schedules while steadily enhancing capabilities.

Innovative organisations thrive on ecosystems that embrace failure and continuous improvement. Similarly, our micro-learning systems, powered by AI, embody an incremental approach to skill development. We believe in creating an ecosystem where employees are encouraged to experiment, learn, and contribute to ongoing innovations.

Furthermore, we emphasise the importance of data-driven decision-making, drawing parallels with our experience optimising medical insurance. By analysing data on employees' utilisation of benefits, we refine and tailor our offerings. This approach extends to L&D, where data insights guide us in identifying high-demand learning areas and tailoring our promotion strategies accordingly.

Our commitment to continuous learning aligns with the dynamic nature of today's professional landscape. We envision a culture where every individual sees learning as a personal responsibility, recognising that adaptability and ongoing skill development are essential for individual and organisational growth. Our goal is to cultivate agile and adaptable assets within the organisation who thrive in an ever-evolving world.

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