Article: Why building a 'family' within your organization is important

Compensation & Benefits

Why building a 'family' within your organization is important

When the end result is better productivity for more profit, it is imperative for organizations to keep in mind certain guidelines to develop the perfect work ambience.
Why building a 'family' within your organization is important

In the light of increasing corporate competition and diverse economic landscape, it’s important to have a professional and friendly ambience within company. Happy and productive employees are the need of the hour as they love challenges and are motivated enough to provide desired results.

The business environment is mixed with new challenges everyday and it requires herculean efforts to leave your mark. An average employee spends 8-9 hours in an office and is surrounded by his teammates during this period.  A feeling of contentment and satisfaction in one’s work can go a long way in helping an employee feel emotionally connected to his parent organization. Bonding amongst teammates gives rise to a feeling of togetherness and ultimately the team and the organization is termed as a family. However, in order to properly develop as a family, an organization needs to pay heed to employees various requirements and help them earn proper growth.

Well, end result of any business is profit. It’s a fact and should be respected in a professional scenario. As per this perspective, various businesses are of the view that employees will perform efficiently if they are benefited in terms of money. Though money matters, the most, an employee pays attention to several other factors too while choosing his/her workplace or continuing in the same organization. 

Some guidelines should be followed by an organization in its quest to develop the perfect work ambience:

Take care of employees' financial and medical needs

It is important to make employees feel perfectly secure in terms of money and health. Along with a healthy salary (which should definitely vary as per employee’s efficiency), an organization should also create a provision for facilities such as life insurance and health insurance to employees. Child care and maternity leave policies are some other facilities which are highly cherished by employees. Everyone is concerned about their future and health is a segment which remains in constant focus. Many organizations follow these measures and have earned the gratitude of its employees. In the insecure and cut-throat corporate world, such gestures go a long way in maintaining employees’ long-term association with an organization.

A healthy and productive environment boosts employee’s capability

Employees perform better if they are greeted with a healthy and beautiful environment. Pollution is a monster which has surrounded us on all sides. Though outdoor pollution is a gigantic problem, indoor air pollution is also a serious issue in this era. Organizations can fight air quality by keeping plants inside the building. Energy efficient buildings can play a great role in keeping the environment healthy along with the occupants. Rest rooms should also be there where employees can spend some private moments.

Provide employees healthy food choices in the cafeteria so that they don’t miss home cooked food. Keep a diverse menu and cater to tastes of people from different cultures and regions. 

Further, it’s good to build a gym or offer facilities for games like table tennis and pool to build camaraderie amongst employees.

Official tours are great initiatives where employees can bond over work. However, regular tours and parties should also be planned where team members can cement their relationships as a family.

Provide exceptional leadership to employees

Employees need to feel completely involved with the decision making process. Further, they should be at ease while communicating with the management. Though the Human Resource Manager acts as a link between the employees and the management, the management should be on friendly terms with the employees.  

Praising employees openly for their great work along with preparing them for future challenges is a mark of a good manager. A motivational push is required time and again for achieving the company’s targets. 

A workplace should encourage brainstorming of ideas instead of unnecessary practices like back-stabbing. Appropriate goals should be set for employees while developing an ambience filled with teamwork. 

Employees are the building blocks of the company along with being the force which help it surpass the barriers of success. Every organization desires that the best available talent should work in their offices and help their business flourish. However, it’s necessary to understand employees’ aspirations and needs which act as a prerequisite to an organization’s growth.

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Topics: Compensation & Benefits, Culture

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