Article: Editorial: A Look in the Mirror As 2011 Ends


Editorial: A Look in the Mirror As 2011 Ends

Editorial for December 2011 issue
Editorial: A Look in the Mirror As 2011 Ends

2011 may go down as the year when India was forced to look in the mirror and question the way it runs business, policy and government. We seem to have come a long way from a year ago, when India was steam-rolling ahead and the India growth story seemed invincible. The year gone has forced us to look at problems that are specifically Indian – issues related to deep-rooted corruption, inequitable growth, resource versus environment, and untamed inflation. Hopefully, the public awakening on some of these issues will ensure that this pause is accompanied by a cleansing of the system that will create a better platform for future growth.

The first issue of People Matters in 2011, “Ethical Storm Brewing” raised these questions about governance and ethics and the role of individual, business and government in ensuring sustainable growth and prosperity. The feedback we got from the January story and the increase in public voice reflects that businesses and the general public are willing to take responsibility for changing this situation.

At People Matters, 2011 has been a year of strengthening ties with the community. This has helped the editorial and research team in widening the range of our content. From the people angle of M&A at every stage of any deal (“M&A: The Indian Way” - July), to a close look at the emerging entrepreneurial opportunity in Skilling, HR and Coaching industries (March, June & November), to the transformation that is occurring in HR delivery as the HR function re-invents itself (“PeopleStrong Roundtable Series” - May & October) and focus of the CEO on matters related to talent ( - People Matters Study on “CEO as the Chief Talent Officer” - May), to exploring the opportunity for companies to attract, engage and nurture the gender dividend by creating a more inclusive and meritocratic ecosystem (“Women are Opportunity” - October) and the state of online recruitment and the use of social media for hiring (GTM - People Matters Study on the “Most Talent-Friendly Website” - November), we have focused on a wide spectrum of topics.

As in 2010, People Matters released a yearly book on “The 50 Best Companies to Work for - India, 2011” from The Economic Times - Great Place to Work® Institute study on “India’s Best Companies to Work For”. Also People Matters has covered events across the board, from NHRDN, as the official magazine partner for their annual conference, to NASSCOM, CII, NIPM, ISTD, BMA, DMA, EFI, TIE, MTHR, Institute of HRD, and many others. We look forward to nurture these collaborations for many years to come and contribute towards strengthening the community.

We would like to thank all our partners, contributors and well-wishers for helping us contribute meaningfully to the HR, leadership and management community. And most importantly, we thank our readers for giving their attention to the magazine and website, and engaging with us in the form of feedback, praise, suggestions and criticism.

We wish you a very Happy New Year!

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