Article: #15 Titan Industries: Nurturing Every Titan

Employee Engagement

#15 Titan Industries: Nurturing Every Titan

The Titan Industries’ vision is to be a healthy, wealthy, sharing, caring, clean and green corporate entity, and the company is today the envy of every Indian company given their year-on-year growth of 30 percent in all key businesses. S. Ramadoss, Senior VP & CHRO, shares with People Matters how they are able to sustain such an environment of care for all.

Care is taken to have equal opportunities for women employees through facilities such as 6 months paid leave for maternity and crèche facilities for mothers


The Titan Industries’ vision is to be a healthy, wealthy, sharing, caring, clean and green corporate entity, and the company is today the envy of every Indian company given their year-on-year growth of 30 percent in all key businesses. S. Ramadoss, Senior VP & CHRO, shares with People Matters how they are able to sustain such an environment of care for all.

Being one of the largest manufacturers with the largest geographical retail presence, the role of HR is unique as it caters to a diversified workforce that speaks multiple Indian languages. The HR function’s mission to provide ‘care at the individual level‘, forms the basis of all HR functions that aim to stay connected with every employee.

When recruiting, they look at the culture-fit more than any other professional capability before qualifying anyone to join the Titan family. The organization continuously shares with its employees the prosperity year-on-year, and last year, when the company exceeded its budgeted profits, the MD announced 4 months’ salary to all employees, across all levels and categories, which was a great surprise. The senior leadership team conducts open houses across the country to gain a first-hand understanding of any issues and addresses them appropriately.

‘Moment of Fame’, ‘Dream Team Awards’ and ‘Outstanding Titanian Awards’ are some platforms through which employees are constantly rewarded and recognized for their performance, where recommendations for rewards come from both the leadership team and the employees who recommend a colleague who has walked the extra mile.
The organization strives to provide work-life balance, especially in their retail business where every employee is given a 45 days paid leave every year and also ensures that women employees do not stay at work beyond 8 pm. Care is taken to have equal opportunities for women employees through facilities such as 6 months paid leave for maternity and crèche facilities for mothers. The ‘Second Career Internship Program for Women’ is another opportunity for women professionals to look for a second career.

Their success in creating an open and transparent culture and seamlessly ensuring employees are cared for despite sales pressures, has undoubtedly also made Titan the No.1 company in the ‘retail category’.

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Topics: Employee Engagement, Culture, #BestPractices

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