Article: Know your people better

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Know your people better

16pf®, a personality test, aids you in taking informed hiring decisions, assess culture-person-job fitment, ensure a mutually beneficial promotion process, and also facilitates leadership and competency development and much more.
Know your people better

Ever wondered what makes a team “high performing”, a leader “successful”, or a candidate “high potential”? In a world where knowledge is for everyone to gain, made available everywhere, it is the individual traits and characteristics one possesses that makes them stand-out from the other.

Behavior is the best predictor of performance. Be it gauging suitability, potential or development needs, learning what people will do, ahead of time, is bound to bring an added advantage to you. At a time like now, in the middle of fast changing environment and growing competition, it is your workforce battling it out to be numero uno. 

High performing teams, promising leaders and exceptional individual contributors are no accident; they are recognized, developed and placed in appropriate roles to be able to perform optimally. 

With an upsurge in the relevance of precise hiring decisions, identifying high potential employees, having objectivity in succession planning and ensuring overall development, it is important now more than ever to have data that supports accurate prediction of behaviour.

Various psychometric tests and personality assessments come to be of use to take data driven decisions in matters pertaining to personnel. Providing data specific to abilities, competencies of sorts, interests, leadership/managerial styles and more - these tools help you in knowing the best of your people and allocating them apt roles.

16pf®, one such personality test, aids you in taking informed hiring decisions, assess culture-person-job fitment, ensure a mutually beneficial promotion process, and also facilitates leadership and competency development and much more. The test was developed by world renowned British chemist, statistician and psychologist Dr. Raymond Cattell whose research laid the very foundation for the Big Five Personality Model. With several different types of reports to address your exact need, 16pf® is globally the most used personality test. 

NamanHR brings this highly validated tool, 16pf® to India and also helps acquire skills to become a 16pf® Certified Practitioner. Their teams of specialists have elaborate expertise in advising you to make the most out of it.

The tool is owned by PSI, a global solutions provider for the qualification, selection, assessment, development and career management of individuals in the modern workforce. PSI is delivering assessment solutions for over 70 years and delivers over 6.5 million assessments every year.

Various psychometric tests and personality assessments come to be of use to take data driven decisions in matters pertaining to personnel


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