Article: Commitment to learn and coach: Padma Nandi

Learning & Development

Commitment to learn and coach: Padma Nandi

Dr. Reddy's focuses on building a strong leadership pipeline that is aligned to the strategic business goals. Coaching is a key element of leadership development where 'commitment to learning and coaching' is one of the six leadership competencies

leaders can develop their true potential if they engage in a helping relationship with someone who has the competency and commitment to the cause of their development


Dr. Reddy’s focuses on building a strong leadership pipeline that is aligned to the strategic business goals. Coaching is a key element of leadership development where ‘commitment to learning and coaching’ is one of the six leadership competencies.

360 degree feedback based coaching acts as a powerful self-developmental tool for middle and senior level leaders which is built around the leadership competencies, values and culture of the organization. External consultants facilitate the analysis of 360 degree feedback and creation of individual development plans (IDPs). The consultant helps interpret the scores, connect dots between various responses, identify possible reasons for deviations between self-score and scores by others, understand strengths and areas of development and creation of IDPs. This leads to follow up discussion with the consultant after three months where leaders discuss the progress on the IDP, challenges faced, and the way forward.

We believe that leaders can develop their true potential if they engage in a helping relationship with someone who has the competency and commitment to the cause of their development. Executive coaching is offered to the mid to senior and senior level leaders based on their IDP requirement which has helped leaders identify their unique strengths and areas of development, and work towards achieving positive and sustainable behavior changes.

Dr. Reddy’s aim at creating coaching leaders across levels to ensure leaders coaches their subordinates on an ongoing basis. Three components critical for leaders to become effective coaches are first, to develop the right mindset for coaching; second, to develop the right skills including ability to stay connected, listening, inquiring, observation and giving feedback. And lastly, enable a structured coaching conversation that facilitates superior performance.

Together, these initiatives help our leaders continue their journey towards becoming coaching leaders.

Padma Rajeswari Nandi is Director - Learning & Development, Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories

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Topics: Learning & Development, Leadership, C-Suite, #HRIndustry

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