Article: Future of HR: Tomorrow Begins

HR Technology

Future of HR: Tomorrow Begins

With the world of work changing drastically, HR leaders of tomorrow need to think bigger, be tech-savvy to deal with the 21st century workforce and contribute to the vision of the business.
Future of HR: Tomorrow Begins

In a world where Artificial Intelligence, robotics, and automation are set to become the new normal, the workforce has to transform. In the next three years, 120 million jobs in the world’s 10 largest economies will need retraining or reskilling. To adapt to this new environment and help shape it, employees need to embrace continuous learning. Amid these changes, HR needs to not think, act, or be like traditional HR; they need to understand that their job is now “human transformation”. 

The amount of work done by automation in Asia Pacific is expected to swell to 23 percent in next three years from the current 13 percent. However, experts worry not about the fact that technology will replace humans but about the fact that we won’t be able to upskill and retain workers fast enough. This makes it compelling for HR to look more at change, transformation, and future of work. They must play a proactive role in enabling employees’ true potential and helping them play an impactful role in delivering results as an organization. The importance of keeping employees engaged has never been higher. HR, which is at the intersection of all other teams, must also manage an environment where employees, bots, and gig workers work in partnerships.

Top-notch organizations have embarked on a journey of redefining the HR function and its value to business leveraging technology and skills. In fact, some of the organizations have set up their HR function as a “consulting” team. However, we still have a long way to wade through for HR to truly be a people-first advocate. Read on to find out what HR leaders and organizations need to consider today to prepare for tomorrow.

Here's what our experts shared with us:


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Topics: HR Technology, #Future of Work, #FutureIsNow

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