Building capabilities for future HR leaders: Are you in the list
Like it is said, "Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success", the #AreYouInTheList tweetchat was a perfect melange of emerging HR Leaders giving in their best opinions and showcasing their experiences with their expert answers.
The #AreYouInTheList tweetchat was a curtain raiser to the ostentatious upcoming AreYouInTheList Award event. It was perfect rostrum with the right congregation of emerging HR leaders across the country discussing on some of the very strikingly important HR issues on Twitter. The tweetchat acted as a torch bearer for not only the HR fraternity but also for the general audience who got an insight about the upcoming AreYouInTheList 2016 event.
The top notch voices from the tweetchat has been crafted and presented in a question answer motiff as given below.
Q1. What are the emerging business requirements that will cause HR to reinvent?
Q2. What are the guiding principles that help design innovative solutions in HR Capability building?
Q3. Share some innovative methodologies that you are currently using in your co. to build future HR capability?
Q4. What are some of the practices you can undertake to build business Acumen in future HR leaders?
Q5. What should HR start, stop and continue doing in terms of capability building?