Article: Talent priorities of a CEO in 2014


Talent priorities of a CEO in 2014

CEOs spend majority of their time on talent management as they have realised that business and talent are not separate
Talent priorities of a CEO in 2014

Talent has shot to becoming the top priority for Indian CEOs. People Matters and jointly conducted a survey among Indian CEOs to understand their key priorities in the coming months. A total of 80 CEOs took the survey from across the breadth and expanse of the Indian industry. The survey results reveal that 61% of CEOs taking the survey spend more than 50% of their time on talent-related activities. The talent priorities of CEOs have also shifted. The survey states that the number 1 area where CEOs are spending their time on is in formal and informal coaching, followetd by leadership planning and development, and hiring the right kind of people.

As a result of increasing their time and effort on talent, CEOs this year feel that their HR has become more aligned with the business with 71% of CEOs stating that their HR is closely aligned with the business. CEOs are closely monitoring the retention of key people in the organisation, especially the high potentials, where 92% of them tracking this metric in their scorecards. Lastly, due to the increasing importance of talent in a CEOs agenda, 79% of CEOs responded saying that their HR heads report directly to them.

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