Article: The future of learning at scale is online: Rapid Fire with Coursera’s Raghav Gupta


The future of learning at scale is online: Rapid Fire with Coursera’s Raghav Gupta

In an exclusive interview with People Matters, Coursera’s India Managing Director shares the key learning priorities that leaders need to focus on and how he approaches individual learning.
The future of learning at scale is online: Rapid Fire with Coursera’s Raghav Gupta


One big skill-related challenge

It is crucial for governments, companies, and universities to come together to address the massive skill challenge we are facing!

One technology/innovation that will change the future of learning

Emerging technologies such as AI, AR and VR will redefine the ed-tech space and make the online learning experience more engaging and personalized, putting the learner at the center.

One step employers should take on Re-skilling/Upskilling

Communicate the long-term value of re-skilling / up-skilling to the employees clearly. Employees must know the potential impact skilling has on their career growth.

One tip to create a great learning culture

The future of learning at scale is online. To create a great online learning culture, organizations need L&D teams to drive excellent change management, so as to drive adoption of online learning.

One advice for leaders to drive the learning agenda in their organization

Let business goals define the learning needs by mapping the learning impact to business outcomes.

Best book on Skilling

‘Thank You for Being Late’ by Thomas L. Friedman. While it's not a book on skilling per se, it beautifully explains the need for skilling.

One expert, you follow on Skilling & Learning

Josh Bersin and Prabir Jha. I also subscribe to many podcasts, blogs and industry research.

Your Learning Mantra

Make learning a habit; share it and enjoy the journey.

Tell us about a time you failed and how you handled it

I didn’t get into the first business school I had applied to. However, I worked harder and got into a better business school in the subsequent attempt!

How do you make decisions when you don’t have all the necessary information?

I trust my instincts.

Who is your aspirational leader

Jeff Maggioncalda, CEO, Coursera.

Any specific skill you want to learn in coming days

Being a business leader, I would want to learn a more in-depth application of AI in the business world.

Best career advice you have ever gotten

Build the best small team you can, because small teams can change the world!


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Topics: Skilling, #SkillUp, #RapidFire

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