Article: Top 12 trends: Talent Supply Chain - L Prabhakar

Strategic HR

Top 12 trends: Talent Supply Chain - L Prabhakar

L Prabhakar, Vice President - HR, Agri Business Division, ITC

Managing the Talent Supply Chain

2012 will see increasing pressure on organizations for margins and resource productivity. Amongst other aspects, this will also impact the talent supply chain. Whilst these implications are cognized for, they will come into sharper focus in 2012.

Increased flexibility of talent supply chain will result in the demand to deliver ‘just-in-time’ talent on one hand and on the other hand, there will be an increased pressure to ‘exit’ those not able to deliver. It is while ‘exiting’, that HR professionals will have a challenge – balancing needs with providing adequate opportunities to individuals to develop and deliver.
HR will also have to innovatively look at the induction of new recruits and new role holders into the system. Since organizations will hire just-in-time, HR will be expected to roll out induction and orientation processes in a manner that helps new incumbents deliver immediately.

Helping employees to cope with stress

Whilst the larger challenge of balancing ‘business partnership’ and ‘employee advocacy’ roles will remain for HR, stress management would emerge as a strategic concern. Since business will be under pressure to perform amidst increasing costs and competition, there could be situations wherein organizations may have to reduce manpower count (a trend already seen in 2011). At the same time, there could be anxieties related to organization and individual performance, stability and future. These coupled with ‘domestic/personal’ stresses could have a toll on employees. Organizations will have to quickly and proactively institute support systems and processes to help employees cope with such stresses. It can no longer be a ‘fringe’ activity or a ‘nice-to-have’ activity or be a focus in IT/Ites industry, but in the interest of preserving talent and ensuring that they contribute optimally, it will have to become an integral part of HR systems in all organizations across industries.

Change in HR’s role

There will be a significant focus on how organizations manage the extended organization, supply chain and the society at large. For example, greenfield companies will continue to face challenge with respect to land acquisition, rehabilitation, etc. Existing organizations will come under increased scrutiny from shareholders, consumers and community, and there will be a clamor for increased disclosures and transparency. At a different plane, recent events have indicated that ‘outsourced/off-rolls manpower’ can impact business continuity adversely, if not engaged. Traditionally, HR has not played an active role in ‘engaging’ with constituents other than direct employees. The canvas for HR will be increased to encompass society, extended organization, and other supply chain; and interestingly all dimensions of HR’s role - Strategic HR, Change Agent, People Advocacy and Administrative Expert will come into play in the larger canvas.

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