Article: Transforming Data into Knowledge: Sangeeta Singh

Strategic HR

Transforming Data into Knowledge: Sangeeta Singh

Sangeeta Singh, Partner - Human Resources, KPMG
Transforming Data into Knowledge: Sangeeta Singh

We have seen the days of physical in-boxes, filing systems and mail boys, whose sole purpose was to collect and deliver mail, memos and documents with paper clips. Organizations have matured with the advent of email, intranet and internet facilities. Technology has made it easier and faster to gather, collate, and deliver information and communicate with employees. Information technology systems have helped HR professionals transform data to knowledge. Policies and processes have been defined to support usage of technology in the workplace. In recent times, social networking has taken over as the most recent phenomenon that is recognized as an important branding and HR tool. Application of HR technology sets apart high performing organization from others.

The trends that will be phenomenal in the HR technology space are:

• Automation of HR processes such as HRMS, rewards management and payroll management leading to process efficiency, cost effectiveness and HR resource utilization (processes becoming less people dependant)
• Ability of staff to connect with the organization from home, remote client locations, on the go; this supports the organization by allowing the staff to be connected to the organization

The players in this space range from the big industry names who design products/solutions to niche smaller organizations who design the solution to each need per se. At times, the organization would use the internal IT talent available to customize/automate some processes as well.

Any organization would need to take a call on the solution provider and solution they need to choose; it is imperative to keep in mind whether the organization would want a product/solution off-the-shelf (whereby customization of the product/solution could be limited) and hence, a need to alter the process being followed in the organization or look at using a custom built solution catering to the organizations existing process. Additionally, it is very important to keep in mind the cost involved, longevity of the solution/ product, after sales support (comfort with known larger corporate as providers rather than newer/smaller ones) and the ability of the product/solution to be customized.

This space is maturing at a rapid pace. In today’s fast paced world, HR is required to operate ahead of the business lead time and hence, there is a big need for technology across the domains of-

• Talent acquisition (online recruitment solutions, psychometric assessments, etc)
• Talent management (HRMS, leave management systems, attendance management systems, communication systems, performance management systems, HR support systems, etc.)
• Rewards management (payroll systems, HR support systems for rewards management, which would include database, increment letters, variable payout, administration of benefits, etc.)
• Talent development (learning management systems), there is an increased use and dependency on technology. As time progresses we are seeing more robust, user friendly and cost effective products/solutions.

HR would outline their need; the experts in this space would be the IT team who would understand the same and help decide on whether this would be an internal job or external job; accordingly vendors are identified, demos are looked at, pros and cons discussed and an informed decision is taken. There obviously needs to be a budget created to cater to these requirements.

ROI can be measured against the following 4 parameters - financial, effectiveness, efficiency, and impact. Some of these are tangible and some are intangible and hence this would be organization dependant on how they are measured and considered to asce

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Topics: Strategic HR, Technology

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