Article: How to be a winner in the talent wars in 2017

Talent Acquisition

How to be a winner in the talent wars in 2017

A resurging economy and high unemployment numbers give an advantage to the job seekers. Under these circumstances, it becomes imperative for organizations to take a closer look at hiring and retaining the very best talents in the days to come.
How to be a winner in the talent wars in 2017

Hiring and retaining top talent

There’s a growing dissatisfaction among employees in every sector. More than 60-percent assess an organization within the first month to determine if they will stay with their job for a longer period. Given this trend, HR departments need to look at new ways to keep them engaged and ensure that they don’t lose the best talent in the market. Let’s explore a few and see what can be done to achieve that.

Manage performance, not tasks

It is very easy to get lost in the day-to-day task lists and forget the importance of managing the overall performance of the employees. This does not mean that performance appraisals need to toe the same old line of being a once-a-year event. Technology has made it easier for managers to keep a close watch on employee performance and give them real-time feedback. Give them a reason to look deeper and understand the importance of their role in the organization. Have regular online assessments using these tools and connect them with other mechanisms that allow their expertise to be shared across the company with other departments, thereby giving them opportunities to grow.

Invest in training them

Invest wisely in training them and they would thank you for the career growth trajectory that you provide them in the process. Again, technology is an excellent tool that can enable constant learning without disrupting their daily tasks and yet deliver the value they expect from learning on the job.

Encourage health and wellness activities

Make their health and wellness an utmost priority for the organization. Gamify healthy living and give them incentives so that they stay with the program. When employees see that their wellbeing is just as important as the business bottom lines for the company, they will value their relationship with the organization and stay on the job longer.

Focus on communicating with them

Fostering a culture of open communication between employees and leadership is always good for the organization. Not only does it allow setting of realistic goals and expectations for each party, it also allows better coordination to track progress and apply course-correction as and when needed before it gets too late. Real-time feedback and mentoring also enhances employee confidence in the leadership and gives them a reason to keep learning to outperform themselves at every step of the way.

Review the data

Technology in HR is a boon to the profession. The data that has been collected over the years and was lying around unutilized, can now be put to good use. Analysis of data can help determine their acceptability towards organizational changes and enable companies to implement those changes better. Staff behavior, expectations, thoughts and apprehensions, all play a very crucial role in change management that is an integral part of any business today.

In conclusion

Technology is a big help to the HR profession, but in the end, it’s all about people management, by the people, for the people. In order to win the war for the best talent for your organization, your job as an HR professional, therefore, is not just about hiring the best candidates, but also about managing their career path so that they feel like a valued member of the organization. The more you make it about their personal and professional growth, the more likely they are to honor their commitment towards the organization and make you look like a super HR.

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Topics: Talent Acquisition, Learning & Development

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