Article: 12 companies that rolled out internal AI tools for employees


12 companies that rolled out internal AI tools for employees

Internal AI tools such as personalised learning platforms tailored to individual preferences and virtual assistants tasked with automating routine administrative tasks signify a significant shift in how organisations cultivate talent and enhance operational efficiency.
12 companies that rolled out internal AI tools for employees

With unprecedented technological advancement, employees are witnessing a transformative shift in the workplace, marked by the integration of cutting-edge AI tools and chatbots tailored to enhance their productivity and skill development. Across various industries, forward-thinking organisations are spearheading this movement by rolling out their own internal AI solutions, aimed at empowering their workforce like never before. These tools not only streamline repetitive tasks but also provide invaluable support for upskilling initiatives, equipping employees with the resources they need to thrive in an increasingly digitised landscape. 

Among the pioneers of this innovative trend are some standout companies, each committed to harnessing the potential of AI to revolutionise the employee experience. From personalised learning platforms that adapt to individual preferences to virtual assistants that automate routine administrative duties, these internal AI tools represent a paradigm shift in how organisations nurture talent and drive efficiency. By investing in these advanced technologies, these companies are not only staying ahead of the curve but also fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth, ensuring that their employees are equipped to excel in the most dynamic era of work yet.

List of companies that rolled out their own AI tools for employees


Deloitte rolled out a generative artificial intelligence chatbot to 75,000 employees across Europe and the Middle East to enhance productivity. The internal tool, named “PairD,” was initially launched in the UK in October. This move represented the latest trend among professional services firms to embrace AI technology. However, employees were cautioned about potential inaccuracies in the information produced by the new tool concerning people, places, and facts, indicating that the technology is still evolving.


Meta rolled out an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot called 'Metamate' to its employees, which was trained on internal data. The new AI chatbot utilised company data to help employees summarise meetings, write code, and debug features, reported The Verge. The company is in the process of rolling out this tool internally to a small group. When considering how to power the chatbot, Meta had discussions with Microsoft and OpenAI, but it decided to employ a separate, in-house model. In February of that year, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg had announced that the company was creating a new "top-level" product team that would be "focused" on generative AI.


The Wilo Group launched WiloGPT, an in-house AI chatbot for its employees, as part of the Wilo IT infrastructure. The tool offers the same functionality as ChatGPT. Currently, around 200 employees are testing the new chatbot, and it will soon be available to the entire Wilo workforce for their everyday work. Oliver Hermes, president & CEO of the Wilo Group, commented, “Artificial intelligence is a reflection of the digital transformation of our world. We are convinced that AI offers numerous opportunities because it will help to solve the challenges associated with global megatrends. Wilo is leading the way as a digital pioneer in the industry. The launch of WiloGPT proves that once again.”


The bank-wide implementation of the AI chatbot followed a successful six-month trial period from April to September 2023, involving approximately 1,000 OCBC staff across various functions, including investment research, product management, and marketing. During the trial, OCBC staff utilied OCBC GPT for tasks such as writing investment research reports, translating content into multiple languages, and drafting customer responses. 

On average, trial participants were able to complete their tasks approximately 50% faster than before, even after fact-checking OCBC GPT's output for accuracy. OCBC ChatGPT is powered by ChatGPT's Large Language Models, which analyses queries and generates comprehensive responses based on accessible text-based information online. 


PwC provided its 8,400 partners and staff with access to a custom-built virtual assistant named ChatPwC. This assistant has the capability to format data, write code, summarise meetings and documents, and compose emails. After a successful six-month trial involving over 1,000 employees, all local PwC staff gained access to this new generative artificial intelligence tool. 

The firm aims to enhance productivity and the quality of client work through this initiative. Tom Pagram, PwC Australia’s artificial intelligence leader, explained that ChatPwC was powered by a diverse range of AI models, including those that supported ChatGPT, and were specifically trained to perform designated tasks.


McKinsey launched its proprietary generative AI platform, named Lilli, to its internal employees. The tool is named after Lillian Dombrowski, the first professional woman hired by McKinsey in 1945, who initiated its archives. Lilli operates in two modes: one for searching the knowledge archival base and another as a chat option for external sources. The platform consolidates over 40 knowledge sources and more than 100,000 documents, as reported by the company.


Walmart launched My Assistant, a generative AI-powered tool, to all non-store U.S. employees. This feature is accessible to 50,000 employees through a desktop and mobile app interface within Me@Campus, the company's employee app. According to Walmart, the tool is capable of expediting draft writing, serving as a creative partner, or summarising extensive documents. Additionally, Walmart plans to utilise the tool for new hires during orientation and to enhance employees' understanding of company benefits during annual enrolment. The company also intends to further develop the tool to offer integrated self-service capabilities.


Cognizant partnered with Microsoft to introduce the Innovation Assistant, a generative AI-powered tool developed on Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service. This tool is set to enhance Cognizant's internal innovation initiative, Bluebolt. The Innovation Assistant represents a significant advancement, aiming to integrate enterprise knowledge and foster enhanced creativity and innovation among teams of Cognizant employees addressing client challenges across various industries. This launch underscores Cognizant's dedication to revolutionising human-machine collaboration through AI and promoting knowledge and innovation by leveraging its extensive technical and industry expertise.


Pipefy, the global industry leader in AI-driven process automation, unveiled Pipefy AI for HR, featuring customisable chatbots designed to assist employees around the clock. This innovative solution provides instant and centralised access to a range of HR-related resources, including policies, forms, data, and other frequently requested information. With Pipefy AI for HR, employees gain access to a unified portal where they can not only locate the information and documents they need but also submit requests such as vacation time or reimbursements. 

The chatbot functionality enables employees to inquire about various HR topics, including PTO, available job positions within the company, or company policies. Moreover, the chatbot supports multiple languages and is accessible on any device, ensuring convenience and accessibility for all users.


Workelevate introduced its HR Chatbot to optimise HR support services and enhance the overall digital experience for employees. Covering a wide range of functionalities, the HR Chatbot assists with tasks such as managing personal information, tracking attendance and leave, accessing salary slips, providing guidance on HR policies, retrieving taxation documents, and more. 

Additionally, the platform facilitates seamless booking of meeting rooms, efficient resolution of grievances, and comprehensive management of campaigns and surveys. Furthermore, it promotes employee engagement through communication tools and recognition programs. With Workelevate's HR chatbot, employees can easily navigate their professional responsibilities, allowing HR teams to focus on fostering a productive and supportive work environment.

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Excelity Global

Excelity Global introduced Excelia, an AI-powered chat assistant designed to address employee queries. Excelia streamlines various processes such as employee onboarding, training, and information gathering, thereby freeing HR departments from mundane tasks that often detract from their core responsibilities. By tapping into Excelity's central human resources (HR) information system, Excelia provides instant and personalized responses tailored to each employee's unique profile. The interactive and personalized nature of Excelia, facilitated by its contemporary conversational interface, makes it an ideal tool for enhancing employee engagement and fostering interaction across diverse business verticals. has developed its own internal AI tool, known as Raya, which operates as a digital colleague for the People team. Integrated within the communication platform, Slack, Raya serves as a resource for employees, addressing various needs such as psychological support and social engagement. For instance, Raya can provide relevant employee policies or facilitate discussions among colleagues within the #tribe channel.

Additionally,'s internal teams have created their own bots to streamline processes and workflows. These initiatives stem from's employee-driven approach to innovation, which includes events like employee Hackathons aimed at fostering creativity and unconventional thinking.

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Topics: Technology, #HRTech, #HRCommunity, #Artificial Intelligence

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