Article: Aligning talent to strategy: Aarthi Rajaraman

Strategic HR

Aligning talent to strategy: Aarthi Rajaraman

Aarthi Rajaraman, Director - HR, Williams, Lea India
Aligning talent to strategy: Aarthi Rajaraman

With the next gen talent on the radar, HR professionals have to don their thinking hats to align their expectations and aspirations to the business capabilities and strategy execution. Talent management systems must be extremely agile and tech savvy. The focus has shifted from seeking job security, structure, stability, routine, and fairly predictable rewards to growing individual expertise and increasing one’s employability in this dynamic job market. ‘Aligning talent to strategy’ is the new mantra for managing the next gen talent force.

This new media savvy generation comes with a lot of expectations about the organization’s brand, opportunities for growth and learning, the ability to express themselves freely and openly at work, flexible work hours, good work-life balance, fun at work, a collaborative leadership style and timely recognition of performance.

We emphasize on competence rather than experience through a well-defined competency framework. There is a clearly articulated career map so employees are aware of all the choices they have for vertical and horizontal growth. The 360-degree feedback allows next gen employees’ voices to be heard by their managers. Further, the personalized talent approach at unit level through business HR partners who connect with all employees through calendared ‘Talent Connect’ sessions enable line managers to adapt to the next gen workforce.

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Topics: Strategic HR, Technology, #Social Media, #Trends

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