Article: Mobile – what’s real & what’s myth?


Mobile – what’s real & what’s myth?

Even though mobile has become an integral part of our day to day activities, not many employers offer HCM tools on mobile.
Mobile – what’s real & what’s myth?

 To say that we are all dependent on mobile today will be an understatement. According to a research, on an average, every Indian having a smart phone spends 3 hours, 15 minutes every day on smartphone. Mobile today is touching our lives in multiple ways. Right from helping us choose the right restaurant to paying our bills to helping in staying connected with our friends. 

Even though mobile has become an integral part of our day to day activities, not many employers offer HCM (Human Capital Management) tools on mobile. There are many implementation challenges which decision makers are faced with. 50% organizations have difficulty securing the necessary IT and infrastructure resources. 40% have challenges regarding allocation of the necessary financial resources. From the usage perspective there are challenges around connectivity, lack of time for training etc. 

Millennial workforce now forms more than 50% of population. Catering to their needs is important to achieving competitive advantage. Multiple researches suggest that the millennial population is focusing more on developing themselves. As per a research, 71% of employees believe that they would stay longer with the organization if they are provided with opportunities for development and 78% of the employees would stay longer if they can see a career path within the current organization. Millennials are also the biggest adopters of mobility, so it is an imperative to provide integrated mobile-based HCM solution to provide a great employee experience. 

Rhys Hughes, Director – Asia at SumTotal shared his experience at Day 2 of TechHR forum in delivering Talent Expansion solutions to clients. The results have been encouraging in organizations which have already started doing this. 82% of the organizations using this approach are reporting enhanced business efficiency. 76% organizations are reporting improved business results. They are also reporting higher employee engagement. Even employees are appreciating the ability to have a personalized learning experience and opportunity for career development on mobile platform. 

It is high time that others take a cue and focus on catering to the changing needs of their employees. 

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