Article: Sketchnote: How to drive effective learning in a hyper personal world

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Sketchnote: How to drive effective learning in a hyper personal world

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Isn't it time businesses overhauled their learning and development programs to correspond to changing consumer habits?
Sketchnote: How to drive effective learning in a hyper personal world

Keeping employees engaged and motivated is a big challenge for organizations today. Organizations implement various learning and development initiatives to keep employees hooked to their organizations. However, these are not always successful. Isn’t it about time, organizations overhaul their learning initiatives to fit the needs of the learners? Organizations need to re-assess their day-long, generic training sessions or mundane webinars that fail to deliver effective learning because mostly they are all about compliance and not the learner. With growing technology, the way people are absorbing information is being changed. Many individuals are turning to self-directed learning through their own devices – on YouTube, Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs), Ted Talks and many other channels. They want engaging, easy-to-digest content that is personalized to their interests and goals.

So how do you break out of the tired, old mold and engage with your employees as though they were customers? Through this sketch note, let's look at some of the ways to ensure your business delivers effective learning in the digital age.

Peter kokkions

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Topics: Learning & Development, #GetSetLearn, #LearningInfographics

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