Article: Sketchnote: How to overcome digital fatigue in learning

A Brand Reachout InitiativeLearning & Development

Sketchnote: How to overcome digital fatigue in learning

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With the rise of e-learning and remote work, companies need to pay special attention to the digital fatigue. here's what you need to do:
Sketchnote: How to overcome digital fatigue in learning


While some industries are more readily able to transition smoothly into remote working, many are at the starting line of adapting to such changes. The experience may also vary by generation as the younger and tech-savvy generation will embrace it with open arms. Regardless, employees are encouraged to make the best of the time at hand and dedicate specific learning hours to undertake digital learning programs.

Digital fatigue

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Topics: Learning & Development, #LearningInfographics, #GetSetLearn

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