Article: Reconnecting with the Power of the Fool on Fools Day!


Reconnecting with the Power of the Fool on Fools Day!

Here's to reviving and celebrating the fool inside us. The fool that knows how to rejoice in curiosity, who loves to make others smile , who is ready to learn and who believes in infinite possibilities!
Reconnecting with the Power of the Fool on Fools Day!

In the world of Tarot – The fool is shown at the beginning of his journey with unlimited potential. The sun rising up behind him represents the beginning of his journey. He is facing the direction of the unknown. He is looking upwards, toward the sky, or Spirit. He has all the tools and resources he needs in the bag on his staff but he has not opened the bag yet. The white rose in his left hand represents purity and innocence. He has a guardian in the little white dog who will push him to learn the lessons the Fool came here to learn. This Tarot card shows the highest potential for your life, reaching a state of renewal and new beginnings, where each day is an adventure and each moment is lived to the fullest. 

The Fool card represents the beginning of all creativity and a desire to accomplish new goals (or to, at least, start the process of working towards those goals). The Fool indicates that anything can happen and the opportunities are just waiting to be taken advantage of.

As we finish Q1 of 2016, and enter the month of April (with the first day celebrated as Fools Day) – it may be worthwhile to look at this interpretation of ‘the fool’ and reconnect with the fool within.  A great time for us to revisit our goals and resolutions and check if they are bold enough.  Are we on our way of reimagining all possibilities or just too busy walking on the oft tread path - doing tasks that our job description defines as expected of us? 

The Fool represents the need to set forth on a new journey, one that is unknown and could take you to uncharted territories, and allow you to explore new experiences, personal growth, development, and adventure.  It is an invitation to develop new muscles, try your hand at a new skill or role and learn something new.  It is also a reminder to get closely in touch with our passions. What is it that puts us in the ‘flow’ – and how do we convert that passion into our vocation?  So what are you waiting for? This is the perfect time to take that ‘leap of faith’ and to trust in the Universe to take you towards realizing your dreams.  

Then of course is the Shakespearean Fool – the jester – who ensures “fun while we go about life” and ensure that folks around are smiling and happy as they work.  When was the last we had fun while we worked ?  When was the last that we stretched out to create smiles around us at work (or even at home for that matter?)   

A smart dose of wit and humor goes a long way in creating collaborative workspaces. Great leaders have learnt to leverage the unique humor of workplace jokesters - leveraging their blend of humor and intelligence to inject joy and enthusiasm into the workplace  These folk make work fun and attract innovative, outspoken people. They’re the first to suggest a cocktail after a hard day and know how to help everyone relax on a Friday afternoon.  Furthermore many successful leaders are well aware of personally adopting a good sense of humor – given how powerful it can be in influencing peers and team members to deliver in tough circumstances; or influencing key stakeholders to appreciate a differing view point.  

If one takes a peep into history, kings always had court jesters – who were probably the only one who had the license to make light of royal declarations and decisions. Historians reveal that these jibes enabled the king become aware of reactions and opinions that was otherwise kept hidden out of fear of royal reprisals. Cut through to today’s corporate world – and we do look to the witty souls to deliver tough messages to key stakeholders   thereby enabling the team agenda in their own unique way! 

Last but not the least – the message from all jesters is to lighten up and live in the moment!  They show us how to laugh, how to smile, and strive to make someone’s day a little brighter

As we head towards Fools Day – here is to reviving and celebrating the fool inside us.  The fool that knows how to rejoice in curiosity, who loves to make others smile , who is ready to learn and who believes in infinite possibilities!   

Happy Fools Day!



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