Article: The top trending stories of 2015 by People Matters


The top trending stories of 2015 by People Matters

Heres a glimpse of the stories which created a lot of online buzz in the year gone by, and were read, re-read by you over and over again.
The top trending stories of 2015 by People Matters

Looking back at the year gone by, it is overwhelming to see how our stories were received by you all. We dug deep in Google Analytics to bring to you the trending stories which created excitement, intrigue, interest within you to come back and read some more. Here’s the list of 10 such stories which were trending in 2015, and the nostalgia surrounding it!

1.For HR, of HR, and by HR

A day in the life of HR

Our year-ending video grabbed the eyeballs of all the readers across verticals – A day in the life of HR video – titled For HR, of HR, and by HR created a ripple-effect of sorts when it became a hugely clicked story online, in 2015. The video created by Put Chutney captured the HR’s overencompassing role in the organisation. It talked about stereotyping HR, and how it’s time to look at their work seriously. 

2. Baby bump is not a hindrance at work

Baby bump not a hindrance at work

 ‘Baby bump is not a hindrance at work’ was the second most read/watched stories online. It is again a video which stirred a hornet’s nest, and highlighted pregnancy-based discriminations at workplace.  It talked about women emancipation in a different way, and surely the video, a project by Myntra, hit the bull’s eye.  The story resonated with what many women go through when they embark on their motherhood journey – taking on criticisms whether they will be able to manage both, often forcing them to quit on their careers. 

3. 7 must-read books for HR professionals by HR professionals

7 books for HR Professionals by HR Professionals

Who said reading books are passé? Our third slot disagrees with the e-book world. The ‘7 must-read books for HR professionals by HR professionals’ success online is a clear example that books and reading habits of people are clearly intact. Looking at the 7 influential leaders, namely Laszlo Bock of Google, NS Rajan of Tata Sons, Anuranjita Kumar of Citi, Abhijit Bhaduri of Wipro, Laurie Ruettimann of LFR Inc, Aparna Shamra of Lafarge, and Deepak Malhotra of IL&FS, clearly captured the essence why every aspiring leaders and HR professionals should get hands on the books written by these stalwarts, and learn how to develop a positive approach and overcome obstacles in their career. 

4. Google’s new Alphabet order

Google's new alphabet order

Google makes news. And their new Alphabet surely made learning easy for our online readers. The story ‘Google’s new Alphabet order’ talked about the sweeping organisational changes by creating a new holding company, Alphabet Inc, which will act as the umbrella brand for its growing cast of businesses. In their quest for innovation and balancing the same with management and financial implications, this restructuring will help the company take the long term view, and make the Google business more focussed improving transparency and oversight of their business. 

5. Why do good employees leave organisations in India?

Employees leaving organizations

The reasons discussed in the story were wrong hire, superficial induction, poor co-workers/boss, and lack of transparent performance management system. This topic resonated with a lot of employed people who at some point or the other have quit because of the above reasons. This story clearly has made to the 5th spot – clearly how it was written, and also answering the often-asked question.

6. 10 things HR should stop doing today

10 things HR should stop doing today

HR is surely not to be undermined, but there are ‘10 things HR should stop doing today’ – it’s time to redesign and redefine. Identifying what needs to be fixed is a long-drawn process, but changing some old but entrenched HR habits will create a new impact in the organisation. Pretending to be productive is far more dangerous. Before culling workforce, it is necessary to cut out the extra and unnecessary work. And this article talked about how HR could redefine itself by simply stopping some of their age-old unnecessary processes.

7. Wakeup call for HR

Wake Up Call for HR

Deloitte conducted its annual Global Human Capital Survey 2015 across industries which included 3,000 HR managers and business leaders from 106 countries. The survey sought to unearth critical trends those are shaping the human capital agenda within organisations. The survey reflected worrying trends for the HR industry and is said to be a ‘Wakeup call for HR’. The story also discussed the top challenges for organisations and its HR departments.

8. Leena Nair to be Unilever Chief HR Officer

Leena Nair becomes Unilever's Chief Human Resource Officer

The newsmaker of the year is definitely Leena Nair – the soon to be Unilever Chief HR Officer. The news of her being appointed as the CHRO of Unilever drew so much attention that well-wishers started pouring their congratulatory messages even before the news was made official. This is indeed a great start for the coming year for Leena Nair, as well as for the HR community. And no wonder ‘Leena Nair to be Unilever Chief HR Officer’ made waves for obvious reasons online.

9. 4 HR lessons to learn from JDU’s Bihar win

HR Lessons from JDUs Bihar Win

Politics could give HR some management lessons. And what better way than the JDU win in Bihar elections. The astounding victory of the JDU-RJD-Congress Mahagathbandhan over the BJP-led NDA in the polls was a clear example of right strategies implemented at the right time. The story ‘4 HR lessons to learn from JDU’s Bihar win’ strikes the right chord with the HR and the management as the strategies of the organisations can make or break the business functions and reputation. 

10. 5 subtle lessons from Ramayana for HR and management

 HR Lessons from Ramayana

This was a Diwali rocket. Could you ever imagine that our epic Ramayana could give us some management lessons? But surely, we did. And what an amazing response to the story. ‘5 subtle lessons from Ramayana for HR and management’ discussed how the epic tale give us lessons, wisdom, insights to the way we work and in our lives. And this one rounds up our top 10 list this year.

Look forward for a smashing year ahead from People Matters, with insightful articles, management lessons from some not-so-heard sources and who knows could change the way you or your organisation works, some colourful stories to light up your bad days, some meaningful videos, and the list is endless.

People Matters wishes you a Happy New year, 2016! We hope to have your continued support and love for the years to come. Cheers to a new beginning!

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