Superwomen in employee engagement 2016 by Advantage Club

Superheroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary. They don't flaunt or boast, and are silent benefactors in others’ lives. But isn't that unfair! Why shouldn't they flaunt? Why shouldn't the world know who its benefactors are?
In the modern world, an average person spends half of their lifetime at their workplace. As the biggest asset of any company, it is crucial that they remain focused, engaged and happy. And this is achieved through strong levels of employee engagement. No easy task!
So on the 106th Anniversary of International Women's Day, Advantage Club brings to you 13 women superheroes who know the pulse of their organisation. They have silently worked towards making employees’ engaged at work and happier in life. We call them 'Superwomen in Employee Engagement'. Read on to know more about them. If you work with them, thank them the next time you pass them in a hallway!

Amrita Capore
Employee Relations Partner, IBM
It's in the click of my heels, the bend of my hair,
The palm of my hand, the need of my care,
'Cause I'm a woman, phenomenal woman, that’s me!
In a parallel universe, I would be: A woman with super powers.
I start my Monday by: A prayer to the Gods to give me strength to fulfill my duties and the patience to endure the Bangalore traffic.
I spend my weekends: Planning my next vacation.
My favourite stress-buster: Chasing the sun.
My biggest inspiration: Has to be my husband.
My advice to the women reading this:
We are not now that strength which in old days moved earth and heaven;
That which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield."

Ankita Sachdeva
Senior Associate (Human Resources), Ciena India Pvt. Ltd.
Your dreams remain your dreams till you act on them: Then they become your goals
In a parallel universe, I would be: An inventor working on women safety & security ideas.
I start my Monday by: Planning my week ahead
I spend my weekends doing: Spending time with my family.
My favourite stress-buster: Laugh & breathe - You will feel better
My biggest inspiration: Myself - I plan my life as to where I want to see myself. I don’t try to imitate others.
My advice to the women reading this: Enjoy your life to the fullest. Always consider yourself as the luckiest of the bunch.

Anupama Sachdeva Singh
Rewards Lead - Asia Pacific & Global Compensation Operations Manager, Concentrix
Once upon a time is here and now, make the most of it.
In a parallel universe, I would be: I’d either be a doctor or an actor. As a child, these were my first career choices, but eventually I didn’t pursue either for several reasons. I’d also take more risks.
I start my Monday by: Exercise. There’s nothing that gets you ready and prepped for the week like a good workout. This is usually followed by a quick review of the plan for the week, delegating key tasks and reviewing the status of major projects.
I spend my weekends doing: Weekends are usually a whirlwind of activity centered on the house & unwinding with family & friends. In between play dates, movies and picnics, I squeeze in some time to complete household chores and organize things for the upcoming week. I also love to cook and weekends are a great time to try new recipes. These days, I try and choose recipes that I can cook with my 5 year old son.
My favourite stress-busters: Spending time with my family & friends, going for a run or dancing.
My biggest inspiration: In general, happy people inspire me because they have an incredible ability to see the positive in any situation. I also draw inspiration from many things around me every day - like the opportunity to interact with or listen to a great leader or from the simple things in life like a small deed of kindness. There’s immense amount of energy around us, we just need to actively seek it.
I’m also very fortunate to have several people that I idolize in both, my professional and personal life, and it’s contributed tremendously in shaping the professional and person I am today. The one quality I see all of them exemplify a great deal is humility.
My advice to the women reading this: Believe in yourself. Most women I know are trying to juggle many roles simultaneously, usually doing a wonderful job of it, and rarely giving themselves enough credit for what they achieve every single day! It’s important to have realistic expectations of yourself.
Also, it is very important is to have a mentor. An effective mentoring relationship can add tremendous value by enabling you to tap into the knowledge, experience, expertise and advice of someone you consider exemplary. Seek out mentors and then invest in building the relationship.
Lastly, stay true to yourself no matter what and you will always shine!

Charu Khullar
HR Executive, Sennheiser India Pvt. Ltd.
Keep Smiling and make others smile!
In a parallel universe, I would be: A choreographer.
I start my Monday by: Doing the daily chores.
I spend my weekends: By spending time with my 3 year old daughter.
My favourite stress-buster: A long drive.
My biggest inspiration: My mom. Being a mother, she taught me everything & I want to be like her.
My advice to the women reading this: Do not be stressed. Do not be confused. Keep Smiling. You can achieve whatever you want to.

Monisha James
Associate Director (Human Resources), PNB MetLife India Insurance Co. Ltd.
Create your own style, Let it be unique!
In a parallel universe, I would be: A Sommelier..a professional Wine Taster!
I start my Monday by: wearing my Friday spirit.
I spend my weekends doing: balancing between partying with friends, time together as a family and some “ME” time..reading books
My favourite stress-busters: dancing & reading
My biggest inspiration: My parents. Have learned from them to give my best in whatever I do and stay humble always
My advice to the women reading this: Be Brave, Be Bold, Be Confident. Be the Best you can be today and every day. You owe it to yourself.

Neha Rajan
Senior Executive (Talent Management), Integreon
Smile, it does wonders!
In a parallel universe, I would be: an animal activist.
I start my Monday by: Making a to-do list of things planned for the entire week.
I spend my weekends: Either reading a book, meeting friends, out partying, just lazing around or exploring new restaurants.
My favourite stress-busters: Shopping or eating chocolates.
My biggest inspiration: My mother (she is a fighter!).
My advice to the women reading this: Do what you really want to do & don’t let anyone stop you from being ‘You’. Sky is the limit for us!

Radhika Arora
Corporate Lead (OD & Talent), SONY India
The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me -Ayn Rand
In a parallel universe, I would be: a travel blogger.
I start my Monday by: planning my week & reading up on the latest HR trends.
I spend my weekends: travelling and unwinding. Lansdowne, Rishikesh, Kasauli are few of my favourite weekend destinations.
What makes my day: a fulfilling counselling session with an employee.
My favourite stress-busters: Playing with my 4.5 years old daughter & swimming.
My biggest inspiration: Chanda Kochchar because she successfully led ICICI’s remarkable transformation to becoming India’s largest private sector bank after the 2008 financial crisis.
My advice to the women reading this: I live by the lines from the poem “If” by Rudyard Kipling and these have really worked for me:
If you can keep your head when all about you,
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
So self-belief with the level of logical flexibility is how I translate it.

Sakshi Arora
Senior HR Generalist, Impetus Infotech (India) Private Limited
Smile and give the world the best you can and the best will come back to you!
In a parallel universe, I would be: A clear soul - not about Gods & Kings but being pure at heart and constantly striving for positive changes.
I start my Monday by: By thanking God for blessing me with a wonderful life and by planning my work for the entire week. I keep some spare time for ad-hoc work/run-time activities. This helps me strike a good balance between work life.
I spend my weekends: Spending time with family, going on a walk with my pet, dining at trending restaurants and catching up with friends. Also I read fashion magazines to keep myself abreast of latest trends.
My favourite stress-busters: Indulging myself in hobbies i.e. art and craft and improving my logical reasoning skills by solving Sudoku.
My biggest inspiration: My husband, as he always encourages me to do better in life and expand my horizons so that I can develop an all-round personality.
My advice to the women reading this: Women should not underestimate themselves as they are equally rather more capable than men in excelling in various fields. Women should instill the confidence in themselves that they are second to none and once they decide then they can scale heights. So, never look back and chase your dreams.

Sanjana Tyagi
Senior Executive, Human Resources, Birlasoft
Change your thoughts; and you change your world!
In a parallel universe, I would be: a travel photographer - exploring different places, learning different cultures, finding myself and capturing all with my lens.
I start my Monday: with an early morning jog & meditation. Put on good music to prepare myself for the long day ahead after a weekend. The day at work starts with the chalking out the priorities for the day and closing actionables in the second half.
I spend my weekends doing: photo-walks across Delhi, pursuing my passion of photography.
My favourite stress-busters: music and badminton.
My biggest inspiration: my mother. All my values and ethics are imbibed from her.
My advice to the women reading this: always strive to be independent and standing on your own feet. Continue to pursue your passion along with your work. We are blessed with both capability & compassion and hence we are the super woman.

Snigdha Singh
Sr.Manager (Human Resources), Cipla (India Business)
God, grant me the Courage to change things I can, the serenity to accept those I can’t and the wisdom to know the difference!
In a parallel universe, I would be: Managing the National Association of Blind (NAB) under the mentorship of those who see far more than all of us.
I start my Monday by: Figuring out my work checklist for the week.
I spend my weekends doing: Outings and chit-chats with family and friends.
My favourite stress-busters: Soothing music and classic movies.
My biggest inspiration: Irom Sharmila, for being someone who had the courage to give up everything that one can, for being what she believes in.
My advice to the women reading this: Every time things will not go your way, so at those moments close your eyes, take a deep breath and imagine how it would be like if it happened as you wished. You would find the enthusiasm return!
And…Don’t treat yourself any differently for being a woman and don’t let anyone else do so!

Suman Sharma
Talent Manager, Bose Corporation
Invest in yourself. Increase your ability, expand your potential. At the end of the day, you are the most valuable thing you’ve got.
In a parallel universe, I would be: A dancer.
I start my Monday by: Packing lunch for kids.
I spend my weekends doing: Family time – movie, going for walks with daughters, dining out.
My favourite stress-busters: Dancing & sleeping.
My biggest inspiration: My in-laws who are self-less human beings and have always been supportive of me. My bosses who always gave me growth opportunities. Last but not the least, superstar Amitabh Bachchan. I have been a fan since my childhood. He is a master of his profession and went through the worst of times professionally. Yet he has remained ethical and humble all throughout.
My advice to the women reading this: Both professional and personal relationships bring you more happiness and success than you ever realize. Learn continuously - be open and hungry for learning. Ask for help & opportunity. Do great work and look after yourself.

Tanisha Kochhar
Assistant Manager (Human Resources), MakeMyTrip
The creative adult is the child that survived - Ursula K. Le Guin
In a parallel universe, I would be: Wonder Woman, with all my sneaky super powers!
I start my Monday by: Pulling out the brightest clothes.
I spend my weekends doing: Catching up with friends & family, cozying up in bed, watching my favourite tv shows & planning free-form weekends to charge me back for the week ahead.
My favourite stress-buster: Dancing without a care in the world.
My biggest inspiration: Are my loved ones who encourage me to be the best I can be.
My advice to the women reading this: Here’s to strong women, may we know them, may we be them, may we raise them - Anonymous.

Vandana Rana
Senior Executive Admin., Impetus Infotech
Service before self.
In a parallel universe, I would be: Someone who is known by her work and good deeds. Nothing about the God’s and King’s but a pure soul!
I start my Monday with: An empty heart and a fresh mind to face the ever challenging world. Helps me stay focused towards betterment of the present situation.
I spend my weekends doing: ‘Homework’ – my ideal term for anything and everything related to “Work – Life Balance”.
My favourite stress-buster: My kid.
My biggest inspiration: My work, my parents, my family.
My advice to the women reading this: Be the kind of woman that when you step on the floor every morning, the devil says "God save me! She is up". Be safe, Be proud! It is a mean world, go conquer it!
The list is compiled by our partners at Advantage Club