Blog: Creative coaching for leaders in India - Time to take a step outside

Executive Coaching

Creative coaching for leaders in India - Time to take a step outside

Leaders in India are finding out the coaching really can have a measureable impact on their performance, behaviour and actions. By creating an experience that sticks in the mind and is indelible there is a much greater chance for these outcomes to be achieved.
Creative coaching for leaders in India - Time to take a step outside

Everyone in India is talking about ‘coaching’ – savvy Leaders recognise that coaching is one of the best ways to develop especially during periods of business growth or organisational change.

50% of India’s business leaders are now benefiting from some form of coaching and mentoring support. More and more people are joining the coaching bandwagon and becoming qualified and practicing their trade and positioning themselves as a coaching resource. So how do India’s executives make sure that they get the best value from the coaching programmes they sign up to? How do they know that coaching will be effective and ‘hit the mark’.

I have successfully coached over 500 Leaders and their teams in 30 countries across the world, and I have recognised that what makes the ‘stand out’ difference and leads to positive outcomes and deep learning for each Leader is one thing – the value of their coaching experience.

Over the years, I have developed a coaching method with Leaders that is unique, dynamic and creative, and draws from ‘right brain’ and NLP techniques. 

Coaching sessions with me, sometimes for half a day, are ‘themed’ and take place in locations – ‘different spaces’ as I describe them - linked to the Leaders’ development objectives. Each session is experiential and full of metaphors, colour and light. I call this ‘Creative Coaching’.

Creative Coaching

‘Creative Coaching’ does not rely on frameworks or models. Instead ‘Creative Coaching’ takes you outside of your comfort zone and encourages you to coach in a new and different way.

‘Creative Coaching’ is bespoke and personal and takes each Leader on an unforgettable learning journey. 

A principal feature of my ‘Creative Coaching’ programmes is the use of different spaces and locations for coaching sessions.

Coaching In Different Spaces In India

India has so many amazing ‘Different Spaces’ that are ideal for ‘Creative Coaching’.

Taking a Leader in Mumbai or New Delhi out of their office and into the world outside – away from their desk and office and into a different place - is refreshing and energising.

Using an environment that has real meaning and relevance for a Leaders’ development goal, and hosting the coaching session there, has a more sustained long term learning impact. Some of the places and themes I have used in India include:

- Coaching In A Museum  - I always find there is an exhibit or artefact that acts as a metaphor and has impact and relevance. Coaching a Leader at the National Museum, New Delhi provided memorable insights and reference points for his development of personal impact and presence.

- Coaching In An Art Gallery – A painting, a photograph or a collection by an artist can provide a clear reference point for a Leader and can be linked to their coaching outcomes and performance. A coaching session with a newly appointed Leader, at the National Gallery of Modern Art (NGMA) in New Delhi, enabled her to think through the challenges in her new role and develop ideas and different approaches.

- Coaching In An Iconic Location - Going to a site or monument that has immense importance and significance provides a stunning backdrop to a coaching conversation. 

The amazing Shiva or Thillai Temples and historic forts and palaces can have a real relevance for a Leader both spiritually and emotionally and can enable a connection to be made to their work challenges and development outcomes.

Creative Coaching Skills

‘Creative Coaching’ extends my capability and performance as a coach. It forces me to always be at my best, and at my sharpest and most alert and agile. 

I have responsibility for the Leader I work with as I guide them and create a different and outstanding learning experience. I do not know what will emerge and I am excited by this ‘edge’ to my coaching work. I love metaphors and images and colour and eccentricity.

I have become adept at exploring meaning and relevance in what each Leader uncovers and notices and can draw these back to their coaching goals and actions.

All the coaching skills that I have learnt and developed over the years are fine-tuned and more pronounced. I listen more attentively, my questions are drawn from what is around me and I am aware that my sensing and intuition becomes more vibrant. 

The Vehicle You Use To Get There

“I thought the attractions of being an astronaut were actually, not so much the moon, but flying in a completely new medium.”  Neil Armstrong (Apollo 11)

‘Creative Coaching’ is different! The approach I use is distinct from a more traditional coaching approach and is unique and memorable. It is very bespoke and personal to each Leader.

Leaders in India are finding out the coaching really can have a measureable impact on their performance, behaviour and actions.  I know that by creating an experience that sticks in the mind and is indelible there is a much greater chance for these outcomes to be achieved.  

‘Creative Coaching’ is meaningful, inspiring, engaging and enjoyable. It is a real stand out experience for the Leaders I work with.

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