Event: How to Leverage your Organization's Digital Transformation

  • When: Thursday, 17th of August 2017, from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM (IST)
  • Price: Complimentary
  • Who should attend: HR Heads, Senior HR leaders and HR Managers

The efficacy of a digital strategy can be assessed using a number of indicators, including no foreseeable increase in growth, gaps between experience and delivery, and increased expenditure on technology. Impact can be radically transformational, no matter what ones past performance. A powerful and transformational Digital Impact strategy is one that changes the game in 6 key dimensions (Adapted from The 7 Principles of Leapfrog Impact). By utilizing Porus Munshi’s framework for Leapfrog Impact above, several organizations stuck in incremental rates of growth have gone on to create new Billion dollar business lines, transformed into Billion dollar businesses, crashed costs, created breakthrough products/offerings, new to the world materials, new growth engines, each of which have Leapfrogged existing rates of growth.

Here’s what the webinar will cover:

  1. What are some indicators to understand your digital journey?
  2. How to begin a proactive digital transformation journey?
  3. How to craft a powerful and transformational Digital Impact strategy?
  4. Learn about the Porus Munshi’s framework for Leapfrog Impact.


Porus Munshi

Porus Munshi

Visiting Professor, XED, XED Learning Solutions

For more information contact…

Rinki Gulati


  • XEd Learning Solutions

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