Sometimes two things, when brought together, create a degree of value beyond simple addition. As is often said, “The whole is other than the sum of the parts.” In other words, when the combination is just right, 1+1 can be greater than 2.
Yes and that is what we are discussing in our upcoming webinar, as a part of the Global Leadership Forecast 2014|2015 webinar series, touching upon the top 3 challenges of CEO’s and how HR leaders can contribute and act as an active enabler of their CEO’s vision.
A quick tip that works wonders when taking this discussion ahead is ask yourself, as HR leaders can you articulate your talent strategy and how it supports your business strategy ? If you can do that, the battle is half won.
Please join us for this webinar to explore the findings and gather some key takeaways.
Ritu Chaudhary
91 124 – 4412316