Event: Tweetchat on Quantifying HR performance- myth or reality?

  • When: 30th August, 2016 from 3:30 pm to 4:00 pm (IST)
  • Who should attend: CHROs, HR Heads and Senior & Middle HR Professionals

Analytics and data-driven decision making are influencing workplaces across the globe. All functions, tasks and activities have clearly defined metrics that track the effectiveness and impact. It is no different when it comes to HR function which is being increasingly becoming data driven. We take a look at how we can quantify HR performance and what are its nuances. 

Join us for this thought provoking Tweetchat to know this and a lot more.


Q1. Does quantified decision making exist in HR or is it a myth? 

Q2. What are the benefits you derive from quantified decision making in HR?

Q3. What are the challenges in quantifying HR processes across functions? How can technology help tackle them?

Q4. How do you quantify an individual's fitness to Job? Is there a metric for it?

Q5. Can HR be a Strategic Business Unit (SBU) in any org with pre-defined profitability targets?


Please join the conversation using the Hashtag #TalentScience


Ester Martinez

Ester Martinez

CEO & Editor-in-Chief, People Matters Media
Harlina Sodhi

Harlina Sodhi

SEVP - Head - Culture & Capability, IDFC
Kunal Wali

Kunal Wali

Associate Director - Talent Development, IBM

For more information contact…

Shweta Dixit
0124 4412 326


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  • Spire Technologies