News: Indian workforce tops global happiness ranking: Study identifies key drivers

Employment Landscape

Indian workforce tops global happiness ranking: Study identifies key drivers

India's knowledge workers are leading the way in work satisfaction, with 50% reporting a positive work relationship—almost twice the global average of 27%.
Indian workforce tops global happiness ranking: Study identifies key drivers

Indian employees stand out as the most contented in their workplaces when compared to their peers worldwide. 50% of Indian knowledge workers express a strong sense of satisfaction in their jobs, in stark contrast to the global workforce, where only 27% report a positive work relationship.

This was revealed by the HP Work Relationship Index, a comprehensive study that delved into employees' work relationships worldwide.


Commenting on the derived data, Gurpreet Singh Brar, Vice President, HP India market said, “We're seeing a major change in what matters most to India's workforce. They're seeking job satisfaction through flexibility, mental well-being, effective leadership, and the right tools. Business leaders can leverage this shift by promoting emotionally intelligent leadership, crafting workplaces that align with these desires, and offering the necessary tools and technology to meet their evolving demands."

Here are key drivers of a thriving work relationship

1. Indian workers prioritise job satisfaction over salary

In India, the dynamics of work relationships are evolving rapidly. A staggering 78% of knowledge workers have witnessed heightened expectations concerning their work relationships in the last 2-3 years. This drive for enhancement is robust, with a majority willing to transition to lower-paying positions in pursuit of a more fulfilling workplace experience.

3. Workspace and tools choice: Vital for hybrid work success

During this era of hybrid work, the significance of tools and the workplace environment cannot be overstated, as they serve as crucial factors in empowering and inspiring employees. Their input is of utmost importance, not just in the selection of technology but also in its utilisation. 

84% of Indian knowledge workers express the desire for technology to be chosen based on their specific requirements. Additionally, 75% consider it vital to have a say in their work location. Nevertheless, the confidence level among knowledge workers is less reassuring, as only 2 in 5 believe their companies are capable of providing them with the appropriate tools to effectively support hybrid work.

3. Emotional Intelligence: A priority worth sacrificing pay for

Among Indian knowledge workers, there is an overwhelming consensus on the significance of fostering open emotional communication in the workplace, with 80% recognising its importance. Interestingly, a staggering nearly 90% express their willingness to accept lower compensation in exchange for the opportunity to work alongside emotionally intelligent leaders

Business leaders are in concurrence, with 76% acknowledging the vital role of emotional intelligence in achieving leadership success, and an impressive 90% emphasising the importance of demonstrating empathy. However, a noticeable disparity exists in practice. Nearly half (47%) of knowledge workers feel that their company's leadership falls short of meeting their emotional expectations.

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Topics: Employment Landscape, Culture, #HRTech, #HRCommunity

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