News: Green economy will create 12 million jobs by 2031: Report


Green economy will create 12 million jobs by 2031: Report

While TERI did not specify what jobs these would be, globally, green economy jobs include ecology project consultants, environmental engineers and clean energy consultants among others.
Green economy will create 12 million jobs by 2031: Report

The push for a greener economy is estimated to create 12 million jobs by 2031, as per an analysis by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI). While TERI did not specify what type of jobs these would be, globally, green economy jobs include ecology project consultants, environmental engineers and clean energy consultants among others. These jobs are those that take sustained initiatives to reduce environmental risks and be more ecologically friendly.

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) in India is working on building an inclusive green economy under the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) India initiative.

CK Mishra, Secretary, MoEFCC speaking at the PAGE workshop stated, “Ideation of a green economy agenda should be practical enough, encompassing more partnerships, programs, and concrete plans to be interwoven into public policy.”

Under the PAGE India initiative, five international agencies – UN Environment (UNE), International Labour Organization (ILO), UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), and UN Development Programme (UNDP) – are partnering with the MoEFCC.

The Energy and Resources Institute is the implementing agency for the stocktaking study that is part of this program. The preliminary findings of the study emphasized that in the context of India, policy tools for inclusive green economies would lead to the strengthening of the third tier of the government along with the mobilizing commitments and actions from business and industry and civil society. It added that in addition, there will be developmental benefits such as income generation, greater energy access, education and positive impact on indicators such as infant and maternal mortality rates.

Given the fact that India is dealing both with a job problem and rising pollution, the report offers food for thought as to how the green economy could be a solution to both these problems.

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