Video: Enhancing UX with HR Tech: The Schneider Story

HR Technology

Enhancing UX with HR Tech: The Schneider Story

The focus remains on 3Cs Customization, Complexity, Compliance, while it should be 3Es- Ease, Engagement, Experience.

An in-depth understanding of the user’s need is the key to success for any solution. This story is as true for HR as is for any other business function in an organization especially in manufacturing setup. Where the users are the employees and the HR team is the one designing/implementing the solution. Despite this knowledge not many organizations are able to create an HR technology ecosystem with user in mind. The focus remains on 3Cs – Customization, Complexity, Compliance, while it should be 3Es- Ease, Engagement, Experience. Here is the story of an organization which tried to take a different track and the results were phenomenal.

In this webinar organized by People Matters in association with Schneider Electric (Srinivas Surapani, VP-HR) and PeopleStrong (Prakash Rao, Founding Member & VP, Multi-Process HR Outsourcing business), we will explore:

  1. The Business Context: Capturing the organic and inorganic growth journey of Schneider
  2. The #HRtech story – Issues face by Schneider in respect to integration with different platform and the resolution methods
  3. Future and vision: Focusing what other disruptions Schneider will bring in the HR technology space in future
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Topics: HR Technology, Technology

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